Chapter 83

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"I have an idea," said Sméagol, bending over to pick up a fairly large container. "I broughts a can of positive affirmations I writes. I wants us all to pick one out of the can, and read it out loud."

"Oh, great idea, Sméagol," said Bri. "I'll go first."

"Alright." Sméagol handed the can to Bri. "Here you are, Precious."

"Thank you." Bri stuck her hand in, and pulled out a random flash card with an affirmation written on it. "The past has no power over me anymore." She nodded in agreement. "Yep, exactly. Fuck you, ED. You have no control over my life anymore... loser." She handed the can to Damian.

"I ask my loved ones to support my dreams," Damian read. "Yep, and they do." Then, he handed the can to Rachel.

"Everything works out for my highest good." Rachel smiled as she remembered how her father took her in, and got her the help she needed to recover from her eating disorder.

"I let go of worries that drain my energy," Austin read. "Well, I do now," he joked as he passed the can to Alyssa.

"I am a unique child of this world." Alyssa smiled as she passed the can to Madilyn.

"I breathe in calmness, and breathe out nervousness." Madilyn took a deep breath in, held it, and released it as she passed the can to Adam.

"I matter, and what I have to offer this world also matters," he read. "Damn right."

"All that I need comes to me at the right time," Paul read.

"I trust my inner wisdom and intuition," Jessica read.

"I know my wisdom guides me to the right decision," Scott read.

"I fully approve of who I am," Chelsea read, "even as I get better."

"I make smart, calculated plans for my future," Daniel read.

"I replace my anger with understanding and compassion," Jeremy read.

Then, it was Aini's turn. "I believe in my ability to change the world with the work that I do." She smiled at her affirmation card.

Then, Lea drew her card from the can.

"Sméagol read it to you, Precious," Sméagol whispered as Lea handed him the card. "I am more than good enough," he read as he kissed her cheek, "and I get better everyday." He hugged her. "Yes, Precious, you are."

"Sméagol?" said Bri, handing him a piece of paper. "Your turn."

Sméagol looked at the paper. It was more than just one simple affirmation. It was a whole paragraph. "Forgiveness is a gift to myself," he read. "It gives me a fresh start and a clean slate. When I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others. The past is done. I now live in the present. Each day is filled with new possibilities. I am the architect of my future. I am a pioneer of the future, and not a prisoner of the past. I lay down the heavy weight of doubt, shame, guilt, embarrassment, and self-hate. I am forgiving, loving, gentle, and kind to everyone. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I send them loving energy, and wash it out of my aura. I am capable of moving beyond my own mistakes. I practice understanding and compassion. I am able to heal from the hurt of my past. I am worthy of all the compassion and kindness in the world. I release the pain of anger and rage from my body. I accept my past, and learn from it. I will treat myself with love and respect. I love myself, and all that I am. I release my past, and forgive my participation in it." He wiped a few tears from his eyes. "I acknowledge my faults, and forgive myself completely. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. All is love." He broke down sobbing, not in dispair or sadness, but as a release. All the pain, the self-hatred, shame, guilt, and anger toward himself and his past, he let it all go.

Everyone rushed over to him, and buried him in a huge group hug.

"I want you to show that to Gollum, too," said Bri, "because he needs it just as badly as you do."

Sméagol nodded. It was all he could do. He couldn't speak from sobbing so heavily.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay, Sméagol," Bri said softly. "It's gonna be okay."


The affirmations used in this chapter were taken from these websites. Please check them out if you need something to lift your spirits, and remind you that you do matter.

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