Chapter 75

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Just then, the waitress came back with their food as they were sitting down again. "Here you go, fettuccine alfredo with shrimp, two empty bowls, and two bread rolls."

"Thank you," said Lea and Sméagol.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry for what happened."

"It's okay," said Lea. "We handled it.

"I know you did, but I still don't feel right about it. I asked my supervisor, and she agreed that it's only fair that your meals be on the house tonight"

Sméagol smiled at the waitress. "Awww, bless you, Precious."

"Thank you so much," Lea said with an awkward smile. "But, are you sure?"

"Absolutely," said the waitress. "Happy Valentine's Day."

As the two were enjoying their meal, someone else approached them. "Hey," he said.

Lea knew that voice. "Ivan?"

"Yeah. Look, I wanted to apologize to you. What Val did was really messed up, and I'm really sorry."

Lea was confused. "Thanks," she said awkwardly.

"I didn't realize she was such a bitch. Then again, I was just as bad. I treated you like shit, and I'm really, really sorry. I know you probably won't forgive me, and I understand. I promise I'll get lost, but I just wanted you to know that..." he sighed heavily, "you were the best girlfriend I ever had. You were always there for me, and you put up with all my shit, handled it like a pro. Just so you know, you were a great lover, and you're not fat or ugly. You're the prettiest girl alive, even with no hair."

Sméagol nodded in agreement.

"And, you have the best singing voice ever, and I should've given your choir concerts a chance."

Lea suddenly remembered choir. She hadn't been in a while since she was spending so much time with Sméagol.

"And... you're incredibly strong. Just... all the bad shit I ever said about you, it was all lies. I guess I just wanted to tear you down to feel better about myself, which is fucking pathetic, I know, but... yeah. Anyway, I know you'll beat the cancer, and... I hope you and Sméagol are really happy together. You deserve it."

Lea and Sméagol smiled at each other.

"Oh, and Sméagol, thanks for kicking my ass. I deserved it."

Sméagol chuckled. "You're welcome," he said jokingly.

Lea and Ivan laughed.

"Anyway," said Ivan, "I'll stop bugging you now. I just wanted to say my peace. See ya." Ivan turned to walk away.

"Wait, Ivan," Lea called.

"Yeah." Ivan turned around again.

"Thank you... for what you said. And... I forgive you."

Ivan smiled. "Thanks." Then, he walked away again.

Sméagol smiled at Lea. "I'm so proud of you, my precious."

"Thanks," said Lea.

The two enjoyed their meal together, and then, left a very generous tip for the kind waitress.

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