Chapter 47

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When Lea arrived back home that night, she went straight to her music room to try and write her song. Only a little bit came to her, but at least it was a start. For the next few weeks, she kept writing, erasing, and rewriting lyrics, until one day, after months of what seemed like creative torture, inspiration finally hit, and the perfect words, melody, and music finally came to her. She looked over and played and sang the song to make sure it was what she wanted it to be. It was. She was very proud of it, and couldn't wait to share it with Sméagol and Gollum. However, she wanted to wait for the perfect moment.

Meanwhile, Lea wanted to share it with someone, so she called Bri. Unfortunately, Bri did not answer her phone again. Lea hadn't even seen or heard from her in weeks, which really worried her.

"I don't get it," said a very frantic Lea to Sméagol. "She's never gone this long without answering her phone. She usually calls me back. I haven't even seen her... and she lives right next door." She sighed heavily, and plopped her butt down on the sofa. "It's been over a month. She never goes silent on me for this long. Come to think of it, she never goes silent on me at all."

"Does it think something happened to Bri?" Sméagol asked as he sat next to Lea.

"Yeah, I mean, I know she's four and a half months pregnant, and... she's always saying how the pregnancy could kill her since her body's so weak from her eating disorder. But, she says the doctor says everything's fine. But, I'm still scared she could be dead or something, but if she were, Damian would've told me, unless he..." She paused for a second. "I don't know if he would say anything right away, actually, because he would be devastated, but... I'm also worried that..."

"That what, Precious?" Sméagol asked as he gently ran his fingers down and across Lea's back and shoulders.

Lea sighed. "That she's mad at me for something."

"Why would she be mad at you?"

"I don't know, but this isn't the first time someone's gone silent on me."

"What's it saying?" asked Gollum.

"I've had a lot of friends and boyfriends go silent on me for a long period of time, and that always meant they were done with me. Or, I hear from them less and less, until they eventually stop talking to me altogether."

"It thinks it's losing Bri now?"

"Yeah. I mean, maybe I'm being paranoid, but—"

Gollum put his arm around Lea's neck. "My precious, it has every right to be worried."

"Yeah, I mean, she could just be busy, but..."

"If she was just busy, she would have told you."

"Exactly, and I'm trying really hard not to be annoying, but—"

"You're not, Precious."

"Thanks. See, I try to call just once a day, and then, I wait for her to call me back. Every now and then, I'll send her a text, and ask her how she's doing. I just..." She inhaled and exhaled. "I really need answers. I need to know that she's okay, and that everything's okay between us. I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Maybe I should go to her house, and knock on her door, but... if things are bad between us... I don't wanna make them worse."

"My love, listen to me. All you wants is answers. You're only worried about her and your friendship, because you loves her so much. You must go see if everything is alright. It won't make it worse, and we doesn't think Bri could ever be angry at you. You did nothing wrong, my precious, nothing to hurt her."

"So, you think I should stop by her house?"

"Yes, my love, I do."

"What about you, Sméagol?"

"Yes, Precious," said Sméagol, "you should, and go now. We waits for you to come back."

Lea stood up. "Okay, thanks." She hugged Sméagol, and then, hurried out the door.

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