Chapter 95

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The four friends met up with Aini in the lobby, and they all headed into the auditorium. The five of them had front row seats right in the middle, which provided them a perfect view of the stage.

"Are you gonna need the chair anymore?" Bri asked Lea.

"No, I don't think so," said Lea.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go get us some food, and I'll take it back."

"I'll come with you," said Damian.

"Me, too," added Aini. "We'll be right back, guys."

"So, what did you think?" Lea asked Sméagol.

Sméagol smiled. "It was wonderful, Precious! I loved it!"

Lea smiled. "I'm really glad I got to live to see you meet them."

"Aww, me, too. I knows how much it meant to you, Sweetie, and it meant so much to me, too. I loved it so much. They are so sweet and precious. I understands why you loves them so much. I loves them, too."

"Yeah, they're amazing. Just wait until you see them perform up close. It's mesmerizing."

Soon, it was time for the show to start. The lights dimmed, and the stage lights revealed the beautiful silhouette of Tara McNeill as she played her violin intro. Then, the stage brightened up, revealing the other three girls, as they began to sing their first song.

Sméagol's eyes glistened, and his face lit up like the sun as he watched and listened. Seeing these beautiful artists performing in person was so surreal for him, nothing he'd ever experienced before. "My goodness..." he whispered in awe. "It's beautiful." He wrapped his arm around Lea as they both got lost in the magic.

Sméagol was reduced to tears when they performed their stunning rendition of "Amazing Grace." He knew their version very well, but there was something about hearing and seeing it up close that made him feel so much closer to God.

However, when they performed "You Raise Me Up," Sméagol was sobbing heavily while holding Lea, who was also sobbing, in his arms, and stroking her wig. He kissed her gently. "I loves you, Precious," he sobbed. "I loves you so much, my beautiful, precious little angel."

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