Chapter 44

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A couple weeks later, it was Lea's birthday, and since it landed on a Saturday, she celebrated it at the JamFam.

"Okay, everyone," said Bri, "I'm gonna sing my version of 'Happy Birthday' to Lea while Damian goes and gets the cake... and light's the candles."

"Bri's 'Happy Birthdays' are hilarious," Lea whispered to Sméagol.

Sméagol grinned.

"And, this is gonna be my microphone." Bri picked up her hotdog from her plate.

Everyone laughed as she put the hotdog up to her lips as if she were singing into a real microphone.

"Okay, ready?" She took a deep breath, and began to sing her awesome, rambling version of "Happy Birthday" for Lea. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lea—I love you so much, and you're so awesome and beautiful and talented and adorable and funny and cute and hilarious, and I hope you enjoy the cake we made you and the presents we got you, because you deserve to be spoiled rotton on your birthday, because you're my best friend and my little sister, and if you were a sweater, you'd be really, really, really, really soft and fluffy and cuddly and tickly, and you and Sméagol are the cutest couple on the planet of Earth of all the planets of all the times of the places of the adorable couples and rainbows and unicorns and fluffy sweaters and all the things, and you deserve to be so freaking happy, because you're so sweet and strong and beautiful and amazing, and you're the best friend anyone could have, despite what the evil buttholes say, because they're stupid, and they don't know you, so screw them, because you're awesome, and I love you so much, forever and ever..." She paused for a few seconds, and took a deep, comedically dramatic breath. "Happy birthday to you!"

Everyone laughed and clapped as Damian placed the cake in front of Lea. The cake did not have twenty-eight candles on it. Instead, it had two candles on one side, and eight on the other to represent twenty-eight.

"Why does it only have ten candleses?" Gollum asked.

"Because, Lea's terrified of fire," said Bri, "and she was worried that twenty-eight would start one."

Gollum remembered almost hitting the lava. "Oh, we understands that."

"Okay, Lea," said Damian, "make a wish."

Lea did so, and blew out her candles as everyone clapped.

"Alright!" Bri announced. "Who wants cake?!"

Everyone raised their hands.

"What kind is it?" asked Alyssa.

"Chocolate," said Lea, "my favorite."

Alyssa gasped excitedly. "Mine, too, girl!"

Damian cut everyone a large slice of cake, but since Lea was the birthday girl, she got the biggest piece. Not only that, but it was a corner piece.

"Okay, this is the best friggin' cake I've ever had," said Lea.

"Well, thank you," said Bri. "I baked it myself."

"Well, that explains why it's so good," said Rachel.

"Mmhmm," Sméagol agreed, "it's delicious."

After everyone finished their cake, it was time for Lea to open her presents. She was very easy to please, so nobody had to get her anything extravagant or expensive. She got mostly iTunes gift cards, bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, and fluffy sweaters, and that made her very happy.

"This is from us, Precious," said Gollum, handing Lea his present to her.

"Yes, we makes it for you," said Sméagol.

Lea removed the wrapping paper, and saw a beautiful, handmade, heart-shaped frame with a picture of her and Sméagol inside. She smiled at him. "You made this? You made the frame?"

"Yes, Precious. Aini shows us how to make it."

"This is so sweet and beautiful and sweatery!"

"Awww." Sméagol wrapped his arms around Lea, and kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday, my precious."

"Awww, Sméagol, that was so sweet," said Alyssa.

"I know," April agreed, "so relationship goals."

"Yeah," added Rachel, "I hope I find a guy like you someday, Sméagol."

"Well, if I can, you can," said Lea.

"They do exist," Bri added, giving Damian a flirty look.

"Love you, Bunny Boo," Damian said in a cutesy voice, kissing Bri.

"Aww, love you, too, Damo-Bear," Bri said, also in a cutesy voice.

Everyone smiled.

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