Chapter 17

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After dinner, Bri went to get the song catalog, so Lea and Sméagol could pick what they wanted to sing. "Oh, my God!" she exclaimed. "Lea, you are not going to believe this!"

"What?" Lea asked eagerly.

"They have a shit-ton of Celtic Woman songs, like... a lot!"

Lea gasped, put her hands over her mouth, and squealed excitedly. "Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my total freaking gosh!"

Bri and Damian laughed.

"What's Celtic Woman, Precious?" asked Sméagol.

"My all-time favorite music group ever," Lea said, trying not to scream from excitement.

"It's a group of women from Ireland," said Bri. "Their music is insanely beautiful, and their voices are like actual angels from heaven. Honestly, Lea should be part of Celtic Woman, because she sounds like a Celtic Woman."

Lea blushed. "I wish!"

"No, you do, Honey. You would fit in so perfectly!"

"I'm not Irish, though."

"So?" Bri scoffed.

"It might piss off some of the fans to have an American in the group."

"If those snotty fans could get all upset, even after hearing your beautiful voice, just because you're not full-blown Irish, then, they can go fuck themselves."

"With a cactus," added Damian, "in a pit of snakes... while being set on fire... while the snakes bite off their genitals."

The others burst out laughing.

"Wow, Damian!" Aini laughed. "You are savage!"

"One of the millions and zillions of reasons why I love him," Bri said in a cutesy voice, kissing him.

"I love you, too, Bunny-Boo," Damian said in a cutesy voice.

"Awww," said Aini.

Lea smiled while still laughing. "I love when you two get all cutesy and lubby-dubby like that."

"Yes," Sméagol agreed. "It's so precious."

Bri and Damian smiled.

"So, um..." said Lea, "I think I'm gonna sing... 'Walk Beside Me.' Do they have it?"

Bri looked through the list. "They sure do. What about you, Sméagol?"

He thought for a moment. "Sméagol doesn't know any songs."

"Except the one he sang the other night," said Aini, "and that was his song."

"Oh, that was your song?" asked Lea. "It was really beautiful."

"Mmhmm!" Bri agreed.

"Well, you don't have to get up to sing if you don't want to," said Damian.

"Yeah," Bri agreed. "I'm not."

"Maybe you can learn a song for next time," Lea suggested.

Sméagol nodded.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go put Lea's song in," said Bri.

Soon, it was finally time for karaoke. The KJ turned on some background music, picked up the microphone, and began to announce the start of the first round of karaoke.

"What's that, Precious?" asked Sméagol.

"That's the KJ," said Lea. "He's the one who plays the music for you, and announces your name when it's your turn to sing."


"And, our first singer of the night is Lea!" the KJ announced. "Come on up, Lea!"

Bri led Lea to the stage, and handed her the mic.

"Lea's got some Celtic Woman for you."

The background music faded, and the music for "Walk Beside Me" began to play. "I wanna dedicate this song to all my friends who are here tonight," said Lea. "You guys are the best, and I don't know what I would do without you." She sang her heart out, and poured all her feelings into the song, all her love for her best friends, including Sméagol and Gollum, who were both watching and listening with tears in their eyes.

When the song ended, everyone stood up, cheering and applauding loudly. Lea smiled at everyone as Bri walked her back to the table.

"That was so freaking beautiful!" Bri exclaimed.

"That was incredible," Damian sniffled.

"Awww, Damo-Bear!" Bri cried as she kissed her husband.

"You have the most amazing voice," said Aini. "I love that song."

"Wow, thanks, guys," Lea said awkwardly but happily. She sat back down next to Sméagol, who was sobbing his heart out.

"That was so beautiful, Precious!" Sméagol cried. "It touches our heart!"

"We loves your voice so much!" Gollum sobbed. "It's like an angel!"

"Awwwwwww!" Bri squealed.

Lea smiled with tears in her eyes. "Oh, my gosh! I've never had a response like that before. You're so flipping sweet!"

Sméagol threw his arms around Lea, and gave her a big hug.

"You're an awesome friend, both of you."

"Excuse me," said a voice. "Did he say your name was Lea?"

Lea turned around. "Uh, yeah," she said awkwardly.

"I'm Ike. I own and tend this bar." It was the same bartender who served Ivan and Val.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Do you have a boyfriend named Ivan?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Well... I need to tell you something."

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