Chapter 39

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The next day, Bri, Lea, and Sméagol were sitting under the trees by the lake, enjoying a delicious picnic lunch together.

"So, I go in every so often to see my doctor," said Bri, "you know, to make sure the baby's okay and I'm okay. She says everything is okay so far, and if it keeps going smoothly, I'll be able to give birth naturally, rather than having a C section."

"That's really awesome," said Lea. "I'm so happy for you and Damian. I know you've been wanting a baby for so long."

"And, it's finally happening," Sméagol added.

"Yeah," said Bri. "My doctor says I'm a miracle case."

Lea smiled. "I would have to agree. I mean, look at the miracles that happened in my life, because of you." She looked at Sméagol.

He smiled sweetly at her, and kissed her lips. "My precious."

Bri smiled. "Awww."

"So, have you thought of names?" asked Lea.

"Well..." said Bri, "if it's a boy, we're gonna name him Jacob."

"And, if it's a girl?" Sméagol asked.

"We can't decide between Caitlin or Hannah. If I had a daughter, I wanted to name her Caitlin, but I remember the time I had this dream where I met my future daughter. She said her name was Hannah."

"Maybe Hannah Caitlin?" Lea suggested.

"Hmm, that's a good idea. Maybe."

"What's a C section, Precious?" asked Sméagol.

"It's when they cut you open to get the baby out."

Sméagol was shocked. "What?"

"They numb you, though," said Lea, "so you don't feel anything."

"Or, they put you to sleep," added Bri.

"And, they monitor you to make sure you'll be okay."

"Oh, okay," said a relieved Sméagol.

"But, whether I have this baby naturally or by a C section," said Bri, "it's still a miracle and a beautiful gift from God. He decided I was ready to be a mom, so he gave me a baby."

"Who's God?" Sméagol asked.

"God?" Bri thought for a moment how she could explain it to him. "Wel... he's our Lord and Savior. He's the higher power we believe in."

Sméagol was confused.

"You didn't believe in God in Middle Earth?"

"Or, did you have a different religion you followed?" asked Lea.

"Ours is Valarin," said Sméagol. "We believes in Eru Ilúvatar, our creator and supreme being."

"Ohh, Eru is your God," said Bri.

"He was," Sméagol said sadly, "until we finds the Precious. It turned us away from Eru and all things good."

"Aww, Honey," Bri said sympathetically. "Well, what do you believe in right now?"

Sméagol thought for a moment. "We doesn't know," he said shamefully.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't know. Do you wanna believe in something again?"

He took a deep breath. "Yes."

"Our religion is Christianity," said Lea. "We believe in God and Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Do you wanna learn about it?"

Sméagol thought again. "Alright."

When the three of them finished their picnic, they headed back to Bri's house for a little Bible study. Bri and Damian taught Sméagol and Gollum all about God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, and so much more. They read him stories from the Bible, the New Testament, and read him the Scriptures. They taught him all about God's love, Jesus' birth and his death on the Cross, and all the great things he did while he was on Earth. Sméagol and Gollum were both so intrigued by Christianity that Bri and Damian decided they would have their own Bible study every Sunday around lunchtime.

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