Chapter 48

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Lea slowly made her way to Bri's house, and nervously sauntered to the door. She stood there for several minutes before she finally got the courage to ring the doorbell. She waited for a little while. No answer. She wanted to ring it again, but she wasn't sure if she should.

"She's not home," said a familiar voice.

Lea turned around. "Huh?"

"She's not home. You're wasting your time raping the doorbell." It was Val.

"Then, where is she?"

"In the hospital," Val said so nonchalantly as she approached Lea.

"The hospital?" replied a shocked Lea.

"Yeah, she was in a car accident."


"Well, actually, it wasn't an accident. She tried to kill herself."

Lea looked at Val in disgust. "That's not funny."

"It's not a joke, you stupid bitch. She drove off a cliff."

"But... why would she...? I mean, I—"

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe she got sick and tired of carrying your load all the time. Maybe she finally decided she couldn't take anymore, and thought the only way out was to end her life."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Lea snapped.

"Like, how she has to do everything for you, because you're too fucked up to do it on your own, or how she has to be your fucking therapist, because you have too many problems you're too retarded to fix yourself! She couldn't take anymore, but she couldn't tell you that, or you'd make her feel like utter shit, just like you did to Ivan... and me... and every other person you claim to care about. So, she figured her only way out was to end her life."

"I don't believe you, and besides, she's pregnant."

"Yeah, I know, which means, you not only killed her, but you killed her unborn child, too." Val gave Lea an evil look. "You should be ashamed of yourself... murderer."

Lea rolled her eyes. "You're full of shit, Val. Why don't you just fuck off?"

"Why don't you take your own advice?"

"Go home, you obnoxious bitch!" Lea shouted.

"And, what if I don't want to?"

Lea reached over, and turned on the sprinklers, which were pointed in Val's direction. Val screamed and ran off. Lea laughed hysterically as she turned the sprinklers back off, and headed home again, where she found Sméagol on the front porch swing, also laughing hysterically.

"You saw that?!" Lea laughed.

"Saw it, and heard it all, Precious!" Sméagol laughed.

"Stupid little wench wagon," Gollum growled, "with less brainses than orc droppingses."

Lea burst out laughing. "Damn, Gollum!"

"What?" Gollum teased.

"You're fucking awesome!"

"We knows."

Lea snickered. "Goofball."

Gollum laughed. "Yes, and very proud of it, Precious."

"Good, because being a goofball is awesome."

"Yes, it is, Precious," Sméagol agreed, "and so much fun, too."

"Yepperdoodles," Lea said in a silly voice.

"Yepperdoodleses," Sméagol said, also in a silly voice.

Lea and Sméagol laughed.

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