Chapter 81

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While Lea slept, Sméagol made his way to the field, and sat on a stump near the creek. He thought about his life, how it changed when he met Lea, and how much it hurt him to know he could lose her forever. He placed his hand on his heart, and looked to the heavens. "God? I knows I don't deserves anything from you, not after everything I've done, but I needs you right now. Please. Lea is my baby. She's my everything. I loves her more than anything, and I needs her." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Please... please don't take her from me. Please."

His heart sank to his stomach, and shattered into a million pieces when he thought about losing Lea, and he began to sob heavily. What would his life be like without her? What would he do without her? How would he keep going? What if he found the ring again? He knew he would become dependent on it again without her, and that made him angry. He couldn't bear the thought of the things he would do to the people he'd come to know and love so dearly.

"Why did it bring me here?!" he cried angrily. "Why did it put Lea in my life if I'm only going to lose her?! Why couldn't you just let me burn with the Precious?! That's what I deserved in the first place! After what I did to Déagol and Master and Sam, I deserves to die! I don't deserves love! I never deserved someone like Lea! Never! Why couldn't you just let me fall in the fire?!"

He hid his face in his hands, sobbing hysterically, until he felt a pair of warm, loving arms around his waist.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh, my precious," Gollum whispered, "it'll be alright. My dear friend, I'm right here."

Sméagol calmed down, and looked behind him. "Gollum?" he wept.

"Yes, Precious." Gollum held him close. "I am here."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I just said."

"It's alright, Sméagol. I understands. You're angry and frightened of losing Lea."

Sméagol nodded.

"My precious friend, Aini brought you here, because she wanted us to have a better life, a second chance. And, God puts Lea in your life, because she needs you."

"But, I needs her, too. I can't lose her."

"I knows. So, you should live with her."

"Live with her?"

"Aini wants you to move in with Lea. Be by her side all the time. Spend as much time as you can with her. Wrap her in that warm blanket you made her. Hold her close. Sing to her. Love her. Cherish her."

"And, lose her in three months."

"You don't knows that, Precious. The doctor may have told her that, but my dear, miracles happen. Look at Bri. She's living proof that miracles happen. And, me, I was wicked for so long, until I met Lea. I learned to love and be kind to people, something I never thought I could do."

"I knew you could."

"You believed in me?"

"I did. I still do."

"Never lose your faith, my precious, my love. You needs it, and Lea needs it, too."

"I needs you, too."

"And, you will always have me, but I can't come back, not yet, not until the Precious is destroyed."

"I can't do it."

"Yes, you can. You believes in me, and I believes in you, too. You are strong enough to resist its power. But, if you needs help, Lea offered to destroy it for us."

"Even though it could cause a nasty meltdown?"

"She doesn't care about that. She cares about us much more. She would do anything for us."

"I would do anything for her, too."

"Then, go back to her. Be with her. Believe for her, and love her. Love her as hard as you can, because more than anything, that is what she needs."

Gollum gave Sméagol one last hug before he disappeared into thin air. Sméagol sat there for a moment, thinking about what Gollum said. Then, he got up, and went back to Lea's house. He climbed back into bed with her, and wrapped the blanket he made around her body. Then, he wrapped his arms, legs, and his fuzzy tail around her. "It's alright, Baby," he whispered sweetly. "Sméagol's here." He gently caressed her. "Sméagol's right here, Baby. Everything will be alright." He kissed her lips with tears in his eyes. "Everything will be alright, Baby."

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