Chapter 4

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Within the royal palace, court officials gathered at the hall to discuss the matters of the day this mid-afternoon.

The King, Han Shi, 62nd ruler of the Sui Kingdom, sat on his high throne ever so heavenly. In his harem, are there two women, the Queen and an Imperial Concubine.

At his side, sat Crown Prince Han Shirong, the first born. He had three sons, however, the 2nd prince died a week after birth due to prematurity.

Soon enough, the Crown Prince will take the throne.

The Prime Minister stepped out from his position and bowed to the royals, before then proceeding with the readings.

"Your Majesty, the people are suffering due to the high taxes you've put upon them. I advise you that you lower them in order for the people to thrive." he announced the people's greatest concerns.

The King's face was simply blank not showing any slip of concern for his people. Crown Prince Han Shirong just looked at his father from the corner of his eye and could only shrug inside.

He truly hated him with all his heart.

He stood from his seat and bowed his head before voicing his words to the King. "Your Majesty, I believe you should leave matters of the court to me. After all, you've been very stressed for the past year."

Not even acknowledging his own son, he simply stood and left the hall back to his palace. Ever since that family's disappearance, he's been out of it.

The officials could only sigh inside at their King.

Truly, they loved this country and wouldn't even dare rise up to power considering how they respected both the princes. Not to mention, the 3rd prince was a terrifying man.

Han Shirong turned back to face the officials, "Prime Minister please give the order to lower the taxes of our people, and please hurry before the King changes his mind." he urged.

The Prime Minister bowed, "Yes, Your Highness. I shall send someone immediately." He then called over the Minister of Revenue, telling him to quickly change the values. If not quick, then the King will surely change his opinion on this matter.

"Are there any more matters to discuss?" his voice loud and clear.

The officials looked at one another as if wanting to say something but couldn't exactly.

Noticing this bizarre exchange, he questioned the crowd. "Is there something you must say? If so, say it now."

The Minister of Justice came forward with his head down. "Your Highness..... actually we've been wanting to mention this in court before but couldn't in fear of His Majesty." his voice trembled with fright.

"Speak." spoke the Crown Prince.

"The Ha Family." saying a forbidden name.

This caught the Crown Prince's attention. "Why must you mention that wretched name?" Every time a person mentioned this surname, it pained him silently inside. What happened to this family was like a poison to one's heart.

"We officials have been wanting to reinvestigate the incident of the family and the disappearance of their daughter, Miss Ha Lee."

The Ha family was a renowned noble family in the whole capital. They helped to manage the military alongside General Li. Nevertheless, their deaths devastated the other nobles as they were a pillar of strength to the nation and worthy of even being called the heaven's gift.

In one night the Ha Manor was burned to the ground, the dead bodies of the father, mother, and son were found hanging by the neck at the front entrance as if the doer were mocking them. Their skin was dried of moisture and blood peaked from beneath their dreadful skin. Their daughter however, was never found.

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