Chapter 21

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"Yusheng," Li Mei called her husband.

"Mm?" he mumbled.

"What are you doing?"

The Lady was curious, as to why he even wanted her in his presence if he was going to write as he read scrolls of some kind.

He was silent for a moment before answering.

"I'm just reading something." a simple answer.

Her brow raised, "That is?"


"Can you tell me about it?"


Yusheng then began to chuckle. He always found a way to tease and bully her in some way.

Her brows scrunched.

"Is he really testing me right now?"

"Please?" she almost begged.

He thought about it for a second, ".............Come sit in front of me then." caving in.

Li Mei stood from where she sat behind him and to the front of his desk. Sitting down, he began to explain.

"Tomorrow we are to attend the royal banquet. Her Highness, Crown Princess Mo Liu, has given birth to a prince. Other than that, I am simply just reading and writing about someone."

A frown came upon her face. Certainly, she didn't exactly want to attend the banquet, but as it is for the birth of the Crown Prince's child, it was a must she had to.

Shifting away from that topic, she focused on the part about how he was "reading and writing" about someone.

"Who're you writing about then?"

Silence once again, before he could answer.

"Someone," another short answer.

At this point, her face turned into a scowl wanting to grab him by the collar. Every time the two were together, they'd talked comfortably but then he would try and annoy her. He at times, purposely left a gap in between each sentence, to make her wait anxiously.

This he enjoyed doing.

Li Mei sighed heavily. "Yusheng please."

He gave a short frown,"I am writing about someone that I met not too long ago. This person is also still very important to me." he smiled.

A light flush of pink came over her face. However, she felt envious?

".......Who is it?"

The woman didn't know why she felt that way but all she knew was that her stomach churned with dissatisfaction.

The prince then put down his writing tool and set aside his work. Standing from his seat, he yawned lightly.

Just before him, the woman watched. The contagious action also got to her, making her do the same.

He looked at her as his hand shruffled up her hair and then walked away to the outside. She only patted down her hair, not caring about what he had just done since she was used to it.

Coming behind, she followed him to the outside. Li Mei stood beside him as he watched over the palace grounds from the fourth floor of his chambers.

Her hands clenched together and body stiffened. The winds this time around have become more chilly due to the changing seasons.

Loose strands of her hair drifted along the breeze causing her soft skin to turn cold and nose pink.

Her husband who had been looking from the corner of his eye, noticed how she as always doesn't tell him about her cold situation. With his fairly large and warm overcoat, he came closer to her side and wrapped it around her, bringing her closer to him.

The warmth and heat of their bodies collided.

The woman's cold body slowly became warmer with each second.

His hands reached for hers and tightly held them, transferring his heat.

It wasn't that he had to hold them, but rather he wanted to. Every time her hands were in the palm of his, he quite enjoyed the feeling.

The fact that her's were smaller compared to his, was soothing as they fit so nicely.

"Yusheng," she called.


Li Mei's lips parted for a brief moment before they shut. She was going to say something but stopped.

He waited for her, not minding how long it may take.

It were as though she were fighting with herself this moment. She didn't know what it was she was against but could feel her heart and mind clashing with one another.

"Thank you for warming me up." she smiled as her eyes found him.

Yusheng also looked to her. In turn, his lips curled up into a soft expression with his forehead hitting hers gently.

"I always will."

The two stood there for a while, before parting their touching heads.



"I want you to meet my mother someday. She wants to see you."

Honestly, she didn't really know much about his mother. All she knew about her was that she often secluded herself in the Lotus Palace and turns away the King. Not many talked of her as if she were forgotten.

"Can you tell me about her?"

He bit the inside of his lips, debating whether to talk about her or not.

".....My mother is really kind, caring, beautiful, and so very lovely." his lips curled at the mention of her but was also sad in a way.

The moment he spoke, she looked to him. Seeing that expression on his face hurt her.

She turned the front of her body to the inside wrapping her arms at his waist with her head leaning against his chest.

"Let's visit her tomorrow before we leave for the banquet then. I'm sure she's been waiting for us."

His gaze softened as his strong arms came around her.

Heaven's bliss.

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