Chapter 17

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During this night that Wen walked dressed as a man, she could somewhat feel the panic rise within her.

This whole area of the city starting from the entrance and to the forest behind it, belonged to the Red Light District. Many women of all beauty laughed as they talked of topics unknown to her.

Hoping that this visit would just be a smooth and peaceful one, her luck was turned upside down. A young woman around her age, suddenly linked arms with her.

"Hello Young Master," her voice flirtatious. "Are you lost? This maiden here will gladly help you find your way back." pulled her away into a building where other men of different ages were present here.

Everything that just happened, went by so quickly that she didn't quite know how to react or even process what was going on. She now sat silently with a nervous and awkward air that surrounded her.

The maiden that had taken her poured the liquor into the two cups for them to drink. She always did this to intoxicate the men she accompanied.

Setting the bottle of liquor down, she leaned onto the table and looked at the man, mesmerized. "Young Master, why did you come here although you look like a whimpering dog with it's tail between its legs?" calling her out.

Then, the light in her eyes seemed to dim, "You looked as if you were looking for something?" her once cheerful tone became dark.

The servant didn't know why, but she felt that she had to get away.

Away from her.

Standing from where she once sat, Wen bowed shortly. "I'm sorry Miss, but I believe I must head back." an awkward chuckle. "If I don't my father will scold me." turning her back on the prostitute.

The maiden smirked as she grabbed something inside her pocket sleeve. Doing so, she too stood from her seat.

"Young Master, no, Miss," this gained Wen's attention.

Slowly, she turned her attention to that woman. She gulped, fearing for the worse that may come.

The prostitute's smile widened, almost frightening upon view. Her hand still in her pocket, she asked a question.

"Are you looking for clues about Ha Lee?" this made the hair on her neck stand.

At this moment, Wen could feel her blood pumping faster, becoming panicked. She didn't know how to answer that question. Most importantly, how did she even know?!

Rather than let the worse come to her, she only braced herself and kept her composure. "Who are you?" she asked with glaring eyes.

The stranger only laughed, "The one who protects the secrets!" She then pulled out her dagger and charged at her.

Immediately, Wen did rush out the doors. However, she didn't hear that voice again. Noticing this, she hesitantly peaked into the room to find a man who had already slain the opposer.

The vicious woman had fallen with a puddle of blood that began to soak into her rich robes. Her hand that held the blade was now free of any weapon, and laying on the floor.

The man laughed, "Miss, you shouldn't dress as a man in here, especially if you're trying to find trouble." his voice was deep yet soothing to the ears.

Still, she kept quiet. This was the first time she had ever seen a dead body. Now, she will forever remember this, as her first-hand experience with murder upon her.

The tall man turned to her with a smile, one that gave assurance. Then, he handed her a handkerchief to wipe down the sweat that built on her face. "I've seen you outside this district. Though, I didn't expect to see you here." it was he who eyed her just days ago.

Taking the cloth, she wiped away the fear as she looked at him. His features awfully matched what her Lady told her. Without a thought, she abruptly came forward to him and grabbed his left hand.

The moment her eyes fell upon them, was there mole on his thumb. Wen smiled with delight having finally found him.

She can finally go back to her Lady.

He, on the other hand, was confused as to why she even grabbed his hand, but nonetheless, was enjoying her rather cute smile. "Miss, is there something wrong?" he asked deliberately.

She looked up to him, "You're Zihao aren't you?"

He blinked a couple of times startled by how she even knew his name. Looking around for a couple seconds, he turned to her, "First, let's get out of here and then I'll answer your questions Miss."

Making it out of the district, they sat inside a private room of a diner. Plates of food laid before the two, but before they could words had to spoken.

" do you know my name?" he asked solemnly.

"My Lady asked me to find you." she briefly stated.

"Who is she?"

"My Lady, Ha Lee," she announced making him freeze.

For a moment, he couldn't quite process what he heard but laughed it off. "Miss, I think you're mistaken. That woman is not in this world any-"

"No, she is alive and needs you to help her." her eyes were determined, speaking the truth.

"You're not lying?" he questioned.

She shook her head, "If I was lying I wouldn't have wasted a week to search for you."

Suddenly, he then took her by the hand and left the diner. Of course, he also left money for the payment.

Leaving to his horse, he got on and pulled her up to sit before him. His arm around her waist for her security, they were ready. By the hit of the reins, the beast galloped through the streets, on its way to wherever he was to go.

"If you're lying, I'm going to make you spend a night with me." his voice stern.

Just hearing him say that, she froze in more fear than the moment she faced death.

"I-I'm not lying!" she yelled.

He took a glance at her and to the road ahead of him, "You'd best keep your word."

Inside her mind, was pure panic that if he truly didn't believe her the moment they got there, her flower would be plucked. Other than that, she was being threatened by someone younger than her by the mention of non-consent sex!

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