Chapter 55

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"Zihao, have you asked Ning about the information for the king's past?" he said as he rallied up his personal men.

"Yes, Your Highness." the man answered.

"Make sure that when you go to the Treasured Palace to retrieve the scrolls, you are not caught."

He simply nodded and left without any words.

"Your Highness, do you think we will be able to detain the king?" Ning asked emerging from the shadows.

Yusheng sighed, "I'm not sure. If I bring Ha Lee in, she would have to speak but the people will probably call her a witch. She's the main witness of this madness, and as for my mother, the people will think she's speaking nonsense as she's been locked away for so long."

The Jin Crown Prince could only shut his eyes, "May a savior reach us."

Later that evening, Zihao scurried across the palace grounds to the Treasured Palace. Many guards surrounded it as it held the nation's history and finest treasures.

"Where shall I enter?"

All entrances and even the walls that bordered the palace were blocked by guards. It's a wonder how he'd even get passed them.

Then, a thought came. He remembered how carrying the emblem as a servant of the 3rd prince, he was able to use it for any matter.

However, just as he was thinking of using it, he stopped. If he did decide to proceed with this, then there'd be word that the 3rd prince had him come by.

It would bring trouble.

And so, he decided to wait around and try to find a blind spot where he could pass through easily.

He hid in the trees that surrounded the palace and walked around. At every corner there was a guard blocking it, that is until he saw one particular spot. There was a large gap between these two men, so he decided to take a risk.

Using his small, short thin blades, he threw each directing towards the two. Once they entered the flesh around their knees, they fell to the ground wincing in pain. It was one where after getting pierced by a needle, it would linger for a while making even the slightest touch upon it hurt.

Now that an opening has been made, he broke into a sprint. Once he reached there, he quickly climbed over the walls.

Landing on his feet, he took a breath of relief.

Although this was something he was used to, he always prayed for himself to come back unscathed.

Walking, he passed the through the corridors and many doors, until finally coming face to face with a timber door that held carvings of Daiyu holding the Crown.

It was truly a masterpiece with skillfully defined cuts.

With the keys given to him by His Highness, he unlocked the door and went in. Pulling out the note for the numbered scrolls he should obtain, he began his search.

It didn't take long finding all the items. With them in his hands, he put them securely in his pockets. There were only a few scrolls to bring so carrying them within his clothes were nothing.

Just as he was to leave, the sound of men chattering came along with approaching footsteps.

"Search the palace, there's an intruder!" one man shouted.

In response, he immediately went into hiding at the back corner of the grand room. Then, he heard the sound of a door open and shut along with light, casual footsteps.

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