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Intense scene (blood and gore)

Blood was everywhere.

The whole floor and even the ceiling had a few splashes of blood. The walls were dripping with the crimson liquid, still warm enough to continue its motion downwards.

Despite my senses screaming at me to turn around and run, I chose to listen to my heart, which was screaming in panic at the thought of my mother and others.

'There's only... blood here.' My mind whispered, as I made my way through the bloody hallways. My slow and careful footing slowly turning into fast and fanatic ones as every room I encountered turned out empty.

Some rooms had the blood stains, as if they were dragged away forcefully, while others were either too bloody to tell anything or just clean.

I took a sharp left turn towards the head matron's room when something suddenly rolled in front of my small feet.

Head Matron's bodiless head.

It was head matron's bloody head that rolled in front of me. Her expression was still etched with the terror it felt before disconnecting from its body...

I slowly looked up to stare at the horror in front me. The whole hallway had guts splattered on its walls and floor; blood was blasted through, covering the doors broken from their hinges, in the corner.

Bare foot met with the blood stricken floor as silently as ever, as I inched my way towards the room, mechanically. An eerie sound echoed as I was at the mouth of the door and it was when I peeked inside did I got what that sound was of.


Two huge figures were tearing the flesh from the bones, making the most horrifying noise of chewing and crunching... of human flesh.

The whole room was dark from the absence of daylight but the blood and organs splattered through the room could be clearly seen.

And the smell was...





Suddenly one of the figures turned around and noticed me peeking through. The intestines were still hanging in between its teeth when he gave a predatory grin towards me.

Suddenly the overwhelming noise of screams and... bullets, overpowered every other sound near me...


It seemed to say something but I was still unable to hear it; its lips moved but all I heard was the familiar voices in my ears.

"You have been nothing but a disappointment!"

"I wish you were there."

"Di, I'm scared."

My attention snapped back to the present as suddenly as it went away— I somehow had gathered the attention of both the figures, one of which was slowly inching towards me.


My legs started moving on their own accord, running blindly over the floor wet with blood. The inhumane being had almost gotten to me— but my running took him by surprise.

'Survive, I have to survive.' My subconscious chanted, making me move forward with an unbelievably fast pace.

The echoing, thundering footsteps followed; making me run even faster as my heartbeat echoed in my ears.

I took a sharp turn and exited the brothel through the back door, running into the forest in full speed. I had no idea where I was going; I just let my survival instinct lead the path, blindly running without any restrain.

The still melting snow crunched under my bare feet, which was now somehow numb to cold; the snow felt warmer than my soul in this instance.

As the forest thickened, the lights from the town turned dimmer and dimmer with each step I took. My legs slowed down in their motion, just as they had started running of their own accord.

The cold air burned my lungs, making me dizzy but I didn't stopped; I couldn't. Because I could still feel its presence, the dark void of darkness existing where the soul should be. And that scared me, more than anything.

I was almost at a clearing in the forest when I finally slowed down to a stop. I was panting and shivering heavily, my small body trembling from the change.

'Change from what?'





'...I don't know.'

"You think you outran us, huh kid?" The gruff voice grumbled, making me stumble down the snowy path as I tried to jerk my body towards the voice.

The inhumane being gave me a wolfish grin, his eyes sparkling with a light of insanity and excitement; the thrill of the chase.

I was nothing but the prey here with him being the predator, playing with its prey as it ran for its life; giving it a false satisfaction, a silver string of hope for life which had no end. Watching with cruel satisfaction, as it tried all its might to climb through.

My body screamed in pain, aching with the need to stop— to just give up.

'Am I going to die here?' The thought came as a calm whisper against my raging heartbeat— I knew I couldn't win. No matter how much I tried.

Still, my body inched itself bit by bit farther from the inhumane being; still trying to grab that silver of a thread from the sky.

It chuckled as it watched me struggle, still inching away from him. My face held no expression— I was too exhausted to express anything but my body had its own will; a will to live that my soul was slowly losing.

My arm inched back again— finding no concrete ground but only empty air.

The world slowed down as I inched back again. I could almost feel the ground trembling under my body at its heavy footsteps towards me. I look in his eyes defiantly as it grabbed the front of my haori with an animalistic grin.

My eyes felt heavy. I gave one last, mocking grin and twisted my body, falling into the large drop, towards the dangerous river behind me.

It stared at me with an immense glare full of hate and a bloodthirsty aura as the only thing he was left with was a handful of ruined clothes as I plummet like a stone.

I hit the water, what ought to be cold and yet, feel nothing at all.


(~<End of Childhood Arc>~)

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