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"I apologize for troubling you, Tomioka-san."

Tomioka looked at me from the corner of his eyes as I apologized, his dark blue orbs staring with emotions I wasn't yet used to reading.

He didn't say anything as he looked forward again, his walking speed almost same as mine as we passed down the empty streets.

'It's a beautiful day, today.' I thought absent-mindedly as I looked around the forest nearby; I could even hear the birds chirping, if I concentrated enough.

It was indeed a beautiful day. A good day to go outside for a mission before my overprotective seniors showed up and whined to take them with me.

'Thank goodness, Oyakata-sama allowed me to go today.' I thanked him internally as my eyes roamed around the scenery, before stopping at the man with the mismatched haori beside me, 'Though, it would've been better if he had sent Rengoku with me instead.'

Not that Tomioka was a bad person or that I didn't want him to come with me; it just would've been much more easier if Rengoku was here since I wouldn't have to worry if he was currently on the train or not.

'Though, I still think it's a bit too early for that mission to pop in yet.' I thought as Shiori hoot-ed on from my shoulder.

"Hoo, hoo!" Shiori nuzzled her beak softly against the base of my lower jaw, making me chuckle at the brush of her tickling feathers on my neck.

"Hai, Shiori~?" I called her name in a sing-song voice as her tangerine's orbs blinked at me innocently, "Do you need anything, sweetie?" She hoot-ed back at me, making my lips stretch into an involuntary smile.

"Ah, do you wanna fly now?" I asked off-handedly as she spread her wings a bit, "Souka, souka! Then go ahead, Shiori! Just don't fly too far away, sweetie." I call out as she took off from my shoulder — somehow meticulously avoiding to injure me with her somewhat sharp nails.

'Such a magnificent creature...' I mused lovingly as I kept walking while staring at the white fluff flying in the sky just above us.

I turned my gaze back towards the silent man beside me, his blue ocean eyes staring back at me with emotions I wish I could read.

'What are you thinking, Tomioka?'

"I apologize for my behaviour, Tomoika-san." I apologized again, giving him a sheepish smile as I adjusted the strap of the satchel on my right shoulder.

He didn't reply anything, but something shifted in his eyes — something that I didn't yet learn to read. Was it amusement or his usual indifference? I sure didn't know.

"Tomioka-san..." I started once silence had befallen between us two again, "May I ask you a question, if you don't mind?" I asked hesitantly as I contemplated if I really should ask what I was about or not.

Tomioka didn't give any verbal or physical confirmation that he heard me, but I knew he did.

'After all,' I thought wryly, 'I have dealt with brooding people like him before.'

Though, it was a lifetime ago. Literally.

"Assuming your silence as an affirmation," I continued, "I will continue with my question; I was wondering that, um, did you ever... were you following me for the past few years?"

Tomioka turned to me with an almost quizzical look before tilting his head slightly in the right, making me immediately elaborate my question, "I mean, I... I actually felt your aura quite a few times during my," I stumbled as I try to find the appropriate term for my nightly endeavours, "Uh, my missions. That's why I wanted to enquire if it was your aura I felt... or not."

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