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(~<Recovery Training Arc>~)


"Tomioka-san... brought me here?" I asked in disbelief, not knowing how to feel about it.

'Maybe because he has good speed...?' I mused, still not convinced over the whole thing, 'Or maybe it is because he kept following me before? But even then—'

Questions, questions, questions.
Too many of these questions.

"Hai, Aneki." Tanjiro replied, "He took Oyakata-sama's permission and immediately carried you here."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling embarrassed at the whole ordeal.

"It's alright, Aneki." Zenitsu piped up, "You don't need to be embarrassed about it— you were injured after all."

I ruffled the blond slayer's hair, a small smile forming on my lips as they keep referring me as their older sister.

Apparently, it has been a week since the Hashira meeting; and if I were to go by what Tanjiro and Zenitsu said, then I was unconscious almost the entire time since then.

In fact, I even had a high fever almost all of the week which went down just a day before I woke up.

'They most likely tried blood transfusion on me.' I concluded once Tanjiro finished retelling the whole incident. Unfortunately, neither he nor Zenitsu could tell if they actually did try transfusing blood to me due to their lack of knowledge about the whole thing.

A sudden knock on the door made our attention shift, "Moshi, Moshi!" Shinobu greeted with a sweet smile, carrying a small tray with medicines in one hand while the other one still pressed against the door, "May I come in?"

"Please do, Hashira-sama." I politely replied, discreetly staring at her as she entered and placed the tray on the table beside the right side of the bed.

"How are you feeling, Sarota-san?" She asked kindly, her smile widening as both the boys turned to her as well.

"I'm feeling great, Hashira-sama!"

"I'm Kocho Shinobu, Sarota-san." She introduced herself, smiling softly as she handed me a glass of water and my medicines, "I'm the Insect Hashira, and the head of the Butterfly Estate."

"Thank you for letting me stay here, Kocho-san." I smiled awkwardly, "And, can you please refer to me by my given name, ma'am?"

Shinobu blinked in surprise, before smiling again and agreeing to it.

"Kocho-san," I started once I took my medicines, "I hope you don't mind if I ask... but, did my fever cause due to blood transfusion?"

Shinobu stared at me for a few seconds before admitting, "Hai, Miyasha-san. An attempt was made to donate some blood to you since you had lost so much; however, it was soon noticed that the... consistency of your blood was quite different than the usual blood, so it was stopped. Unfortunately, the doctor present could only stop the transfusion when it was already halfway through..."

I chuckled lightly at her remorseful tone, "No harm done, Kocho-san. I may look weak, but this body has sustained through quite a few life threatening injuries. So, no need to worry too much about it."

"It's not much reassuring, you know?" Zenitsu muttered, making both the females smile at his sulking tone.

"Although, I'm glad you made it out alive..." Shinobu's tone sounding genuinely relieved, "Your speedy recovery surprised us all."

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