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I took in a deep breath as I moved away from the fallen boy, taking a moment to assemble back my thoughts.

This was what I was trying to avoid for past thirteen years, and yet now that I was here, I just couldn't—
I just couldn't leave.

And why the hell was he not moving? Is he...?

I hesitantly crouched beside him, cautiously checking his breathing when he suddenly just sniffed loudly. I withdrew my hand instantly, almost falling back on my ass.

What the hell just happened?
Did I just got... sniffed by Tanjiro?

That thought honestly made me snort; of all the possible ways I ever imagined of meeting Tanjiro, this was sure as hell never one of them.

I shook my head at my ridiculous thoughts and looked back at the evening sky— what the hell was I supposed to do now? He was alive, sure, but not exactly conscious.

I looked around one last time before sighing and deciding to move the boy away from the middle of the road. I gradually (and gently, of course), dragged the younger male towards the side and delicately removed his satchel and stick away from him.

After settling him somewhat comfortably on his back, I gently moved his bangs away from his face. The blood covered bandage on his forehead was loose— showing his 'scar' off to the world, his face was covered with dirt and his whole hair was greasy and filthy. But these things still couldn't hide the fact how young he looked.

How old was he? Fourteen? Fifteen?

My heart sank at that thought.
I silently closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to erase the sudden heart ache I felt for this boy.

'What should I do now?' I silently wondered as started doing what I did the best— redressing his wound on his forehead. After cleaning and disinfecting it, I gently wrapped some fresh bandage around his forehead.

'His face looks so serene and peaceful...' I smiled sadly at the young boy in front me, my heart clenching at the thought of the many hardships to come. He already has suffered so much, but he had even more to go through...

'He's not just a character anymore...' This sudden realization left me breathless, making tears form in my eyes. 'He's not just a character, Miyasha... he's a person, a real human. He will suffer so much, lose so many more people'

I harshly clamped down on the thought, rubbing away the tears forming at the corner of my eyes. I can't care for him. I can't save him.

'Can I really not?'

If I did, I'll just end up messing it all up— quite possible making it even worse. Not to mention I do not know how it all ends—

Tanjiro suddenly started moving, his eyelids slowly blinking open as he looked up at me from his head on my lap.

"You okay there, dear?" I smiled down at him, hoping that he didn't notice the strange quiver in my voice, "You were lying in the middle of road, so I brought you on the side and re-applied the bandage on your head. I really hope you don't mind..."

He slowly blinked his dark red eyes at me, looking as if he was still trying to process my words. His clouded eyes almost looked like a redder shade of brown, and his face was still round around the corners, making him look quite younger than I thought he would look as.

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