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Intense scenes (blood and creepy spiders)

A laugh finally escaped from my lips, making the three demon slayers look at me in surprise— but I couldn't care less at this point.
Or maybe I could?

'Fuck it. I ain't changing the decision I took a whole month to make.'

"Don't be so bloody stupid, Kamado." I spat out, my voice still light with laughter, "You think you're the only one who's getting bad vibes from that mountain? I can literally feel those demons' auras— and I know exactly how ugly it's gonna be. So, stop overthinking and leave that work to the professionals."

Tanjiro blinked twice in disbelief, "Miyasha-san, I... I am not joking..."

"Neither am I, kid." I remarked, shaking my head as I tried my best to disperse the ever-growing dread in my chest, "Look, I know exactly what I'm getting into— I knew it when we were attacked at Tamayo's residence as well as when I agreed to go with you on your previous mission. Just 'cause my wrist has a permanent pain doesn't means I can't use it at all. So, stop worrying."

"I didn't mean to offend—"

"You didn't." I firmly replied, giving him a half smile as I started walking past them, "You actually freed me, if I were to be honest." I vaguely stated, not bothering to explain further.

"And Zenitsu," I continued, giving the blond demon slayer a wink, "Even if you guys don't mind, I sure as hell will."

Zenitsu blinked twice, blushing slightly as he stuttered, "B-But... that mountain—"

"That mountain what...? Has people who need our help? Demons who we need to kill?" I fired back, frowning as we stood stagnant at one spot. We were almost near the mountain and if anything, I wanted to get all this over with before the Hashiras joined the party.

"Zenitsu, what's wrong?" Tanjiro asked as well, when he noticed the blond slayer curl down on the ground gradually.

"I'm scared, all right?" Zenitsu admitted, tears slowly starting to leak from the corner of his eyes, "Now that we're finally nearing our destination, I... I'm so scared!"

We all stared blankly at him for few a seconds before Inosuke spoke up,
"Why the hell is he sitting? How creepy is that?"

I bit down a smile at that comment as Zenitsu insulted Inosuke back, screaming as he pointed at the mountain and repeated the fact how we all were getting bad vibes from it.

"Still, what good will it do to just sit there...?" Tanjiro asked innocently.

"I told you, he's creepy."

"Don't patronize him, Inosuke..." I glowered at Inosuke as Zenitsu screamed again about how we were the abnormal ones, not him.

'Pot calling the kettle black—'

A sudden shiver went down my spine, making me immediately turn towards the mountain.

'That's...' I tried to place what I was feeling, 'That's... a very strange way of aura inflation.'

"What? What's wrong?" Zenitsu asked, panic evident in his voice, "Hey... what happened?"

"Something... doesn't feels right." I commented absentmindedly before Tanjiro took off after claiming he was smelling something strange as well.

"Hey! Wait!" Zenitsu yelped, "Come on! Don't leave me here by myself!"

Inosuke followed Tanjiro without hesitation which I did as well when I noticed Zenitsu finally stood up to follow us.

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