New teachers?

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The integrated middle and highschool, Kimetsu academy, was an academy filled with problem students. Let it be the boy with earrings- Kamado Tanjiro, or the boy with blond hair— Agatsuma Zenitsu.

There were also some very popular, yet interesting students like Kamado Nezuko, who was a girl with French bread in her mouth and Shabana Ume, who is one of the three most beautiful people in the school and have also said to set the record of getting twenty confessions a day.

Even the teachers were no less interesting than the students, with Tomioka Giyuu being the strictest gym teacher one could ever find and Uzui Tengen being the 'explosive' art teacher of the academy.

Any exciting event in the academy became the new hot topic of the town— and so it did as well, when a few new teachers joined the academy.


"Have you heard about new teachers joining in today?"

"New teachers? As in, plural?"

"Yes! And it is said that two of them are a pair of twins!"

"Wah! That's so cool! Are they young?!"

"Yes! And very handsome! Or at least, that's what I have heard. Oh! And you know—"

"What's with all these whispers and gossips about new teachers lately?" Tanjiro asks his fellow classmate and friend, Zenitsu who was busy scribbling down his science homework.

"You are always so clueless, Tanjiro..." Zenitsu sighs, "Rumors are going around that the new family that moved in last week is going to teach here at our academy."

"A new family moved it here?" Tanjiro asked, blinking innocently. Zenitsu just sighs and deadpans at him.

"Well, a family of four moved right down the street last week and some people have said that they noticed a pair of twins. That's what got everyone so worked up. And since a new week started today, everyone is eagerly waiting for them to show up here."

"Oh! So are they going to be our science teacher?"

"...we don't need two science teachers... and I don't exactly know."


The day ended with the usual loud ring of the bell, but unlike any other day, students didn't run off to get out of academy as soon as they could. Instead, they all made a crowd near the principal's office.

Noticing half the population of the academy there, Tomioka Giyuu decided to see what the case was— and to usher away the students out. But before he could do that, the door to the principal's office opened to reveal a young woman, kindly smiling at all the students in front of her.

Everyone— he as well as the students —froze as the women with bluish-violet eyes emerged fully. It was as if she was glowing —her skin was naturally pale with a light tint of pink around her cheeks. She looked beautiful and somehow, young. Too young to be a teacher, if Giyuu was to be honest with himself.

"Good evening, minna-san." Even her voice was serene and soft, making all the female students melt and male students an instant fan.

Giyuu, after finally finding his voice, blew his whistle loudly and yelled at the students to dispatch for their respective homes.

Meanwhile bluish-violet eyes stared at him, none too discretely, as the students grumbled and dismantled. When Giyuu turned to the said woman, he noticed clear amusement in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but was suddenly interrupted by the office door being opened again, followed by an unfamiliar baritone.

"Miya, please tell me they are gone— I ain't in mood for any crowd, right now."

"Ah, the crowd dispersed— this gentleman here helped me with the issue." She gave him a close eyed smile, making his heart skip a beat.

'What is wrong with me'

"Ah, Giyuu." the principal Ubuyashiki Kagaya, was a soft spoken man and yet all the students as well as teachers loved and respected him. Not only was he very wise and clever, but kind and a very futuristic man. He smiled as he noticed the slight blush on the face of his gym teacher- to any person not familiar with the young man, he would seem indifferent, but Kagaya knew better.

"This lovely woman here," Kagaya introduced the bluish-violet eyed female, "Is Sarota Miyasha. She'll be starting as our academy psychologist and nurse from tomorrow."

Miyasha smiled and bowed to the man in front of her. "Please take care of me, senpai!"


Giyuu's heart skipped again— and this time, he was sure something was wrong with his heart.

"And the young men here," Kagaya continued introducing, "Are Kinomiya Hitoshi and Kinomiya Hiroshi."

Hitoshi and Hiroshi were the infamous twins that had been the hot topic of the academy before they even arrived— and with their good six feet height and handsome faces, they would definitely be the talk of the town for a good while.

"Heya, man! Nice to meet ya!" Hitoshi's booming voice matched his enthusiastic, yet tired grin whereas his brother just nodded with a sincere smile— a complete opposite from his competitively louder twin.

"Hitoshi here," Kagaya pointed towards the louder one of the twins, "Is going to teach science from tomorrow onward and his brother Hiroshi will be the Maths teacher who will also be joining us from tomorrow."

Giyuu nodded, focusing back on the principal after giving the twins nothing more than a fleeting glance.

"This young man here is Tomioka Giyuu, the gym teacher of our academy. He maintains the decorum of this academy and is very strict about rules and regulations." Kagaya smiled fondly as he introduced Giyuu.

"Nice to meet you, Tomioka-senpai. Hope we get along!" Miyasha chirped, but was ultimately- and unexpectedly for her- ignored as Giyuu just... left. Without saying anything.

"That was just—" Hiroshi started.

"—rude." And Hitoshi finished.

"Forgive him please," Kagaya apologized for him. "He's just a bit...forlorn."

Miyasha stared at the back of her apparent 'senpai', wondering if this is whom she should be starting her counselling with, in this academy. Because to her, he honestly seemed to be in dire need of some attitude readjustment.


Hope ya like this bonus chapter!

I've decided to make such bonus chapters here and there, whenever I can or when I am going through writer's block :')

Though if you want me to make one earlier than I would naturally, just message me or leave a comment asking for it!

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