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Ancient soul was a concept that he had only heard in the passing— maybe in some folk tale?

Truth to be told, Koji never believed in it, neither did he bothered to understand what it actually meant. But this girl— this little one made him wonder.

It was by mere chance that he went over the river bank that day— it was particularly cold that morning; even the Sun was reluctant to get out of the cozy embrace of the clouds, but he felt uneasy— as if, something was calling him.

His instincts had never failed him, and thus, he never ignored them. That time wasn't an exception either.

He strolled through the bank of the river; remembering how he had found her— beaten, battered and bleeding through her kimono and yet, she still managed to drag herself out of the river to the edge of the bank. Her spirit was that of a warrior— one that even he wasn't sure he could train.

But it wasn't just her fiery spirit— her blood too, was distinct from any other human he had ever treated. A bit too thick; a tone too lighter and the smell— it was not the copper-ish one he was used to.

She was more than just a human— maybe not a demon, but not a mere human either, that he was certain of. Her demeanor only supported his beliefs— and so did the healing power of her body.

She was a blessed one or the 'ancient soul' that he heard about— even if he didn't believe in either of them, this child made him wonder.

He looked at his boys— Hitoshi and Hiroshi training and laughing, just as any boy their age. His lip curled into a soft smile, thinking about his own time as a trainee.

The vigorous training and his vicious master who didn't let them rest until the breath style was engraved in their bones— those were the days he missed and yet still wondered how he survived. Even when the actual selection rolled around and he had been the only one standing through, though he never expected himself to be.

Now when he thought about it, he never expected or really wanted to survive; the pain of losing his peers was too much, and yet that was what kept him moving against every demon he had to slay.

Though, his peers were the only ones he remembered being close to because he didn't remember much of his family; he may have had a younger brother and parents, but his memory didn't assure nor confirm him in the slightest. The only thing he did know, was that he was attacked by demons when he was among the other laborers and apparently he was one of the few survivors, only making it through due to the demon slayers arriving at the right moment.

And the next thing he knew, he had suddenly found himself among the few students training under the 'Cultivator' and the rest was history that he hardly bothers to remember any longer.

But now that he was a Cultivator himself, he wondered how his own students will do.
Specifically the little girl.

With every passing day, she recovered her strength. In the beginning, her violet eyes were as blank as a slate— but as days passed by, she seemed to gain her emotions back, bit by bit.

It was almost amusing to him how she gained life back into herself— the first emotion being disbelief upon the knowledge of existence of demons, which was soon followed by shock and strangely enough, rage.

He had observed several emotions fleeting through her expressive violet eyes in that single moment— it was endearing and somewhat mystifying. How could a child of such young age feel so many emotions and yet, not ask a single question, no matter how stupid?

"This is not my world. I am not meant to be fighting- or to be here, in fact."

The words left her small mouth in the gravest tone that a four year old could have, when asked if she would like to train with them. And even though it was not much surprising to him, his students were more than just startled.

"What do you mean by that?! Who doesn't wants to be a demon slayer! Don't you want to help people?!" Hitoshi yelled, taking a step towards her. Miyasha stared at him— her eyes ablaze with a suppressed rage that sent a shiver down Koji's own spine, even though he would never admit it.

"Help, huh? Help, you say?" An unfamiliar accent seeped into her words as her voice dropped an octave, making it even graver. "What has any human ever done for me to risk my life for theirs?"

The emotions in her voice, coupled with the look in her eyes spoke more than anything she had ever told him— there were no trace of tears and yet it was as evident as the Sun in the clear sky.

She was grieving.
And it wasn't only because of the loss of her loved ones.

She had lost some of herself somewhere there too.


I don't even know if anyone is reading it or not XD

Anyway! I'm very sorry for my absence! I'll be resuming to update this book as soon as I can (might be once in a week though) but other than that, I have some news for you!

The original arcs (my own written one) will only be two and then we'll start with the main plot of Kimetsu no yaiba! That means, we'll be meeting Tanjiro and Nezuko in the next arc!
Though this arc will be a tad bit longer, so bear with me! Trust me, these are very important parts as well, as there will be references to her fighting style from these arcs!

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