Chapter 1

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Scott's POV

The rain kept falling down as I stood outside our nearest shopping center. My quiff was starting to settle down on my forehead as I sang in the rain. My baritone voice flew through the air as I sang for the last shoppers of the day. Today had been one of the busier days with people running around, shopping school supplies for their kids. I let my eyes wander as I sang. I saw a small boy that smiled at me across the street. I could see that he was listening closely to my singing and soon he was in front of me, excitedly throwing a couple of dollars in the guitar case in front of me. I smiled at him as I sang the last chorus of the song and he smiled back before turning around and running back to his mother.

I loved the kids that stopped to listen as they didn't judge or comment on my singing. They usually just listened carefully and smiled at me.

Soon the shops started to close one after another and I decided it probably was time to start heading home. I didn't want to worry mom too much since she already was stressed about her job and our money situation. I gathered the money I'd gotten today and started walking home. The leaves on our street reminded me that I had to go to school tomorrow just like everyone else. Way to ruin my good mood.

When I came home mom had dinner ready and we ate together by our small table in the kitchen. Everything in our apartment was small, but I didn't mind. It had been like this as long as I remembered and I had accepted that we were poor a long time ago.

I chatted with mom as we ate, not going in on anything too important. It was only a matter of time before she would bring up school. And there it was.

"So, are you excited for your senior year?" She smiled at me as she waited for me to answer.

"Yeah, it's all I'm able to think about." The part about not being able to think about anything else wasn't exactly a lie. I mean I did think about the horrors of going back to school a lot. So I only lied about being exited, right?

I was usually very honest with my mom, school was the only thing I lied about. It's not like I didn't want to tell her, I just couldn't put her through the pain of knowing how much of an outsider I was at school. The lie had been going on forever anyways so it would just hurt her to know how long I had lied to her about it. She thought I liked school, that I had some friends that I just didn't like to talk about or bring home.

The truth was I had no friends. No one wanted to hang out with me even though they didn't know much about me. It felt weird being completely ignored especially since I was tall and muscular. I kind of just was noticeable everywhere except at school. After a couple years of being insecure about my body and myself in general I came to the conclusion it wasn't a bad thing to be tall. Nowadays I was just very lonely.

I had drifted off as my thoughts wandered. I snapped out of it to find my mom looking at me expectedly.

"What?" I asked her since I had no idea what she'd just said.

"I asked if you'd like me to make your lunch ready for tomorrow." Mom repeated.

"Yeah sure, thanks." I smiled before standing up from the table and starting to clean up the kitchen. She joined me and already after a couple minutes we were ready with everything. I kissed her on the cheek and wished her good night before heading to my room.

I packed my schoolbag and chose my outfit before heading to the bathroom to make myself ready for bed. It was weird how much I cared about my looks when nobody else obviously did. It made me feel better about myself so I always did my hair with care and chose clothes that went nicely together. I liked to follow fashion but couldn't afford any of the expensive clothes so I usually just went with what I had.

When I finally closed tumblr at 1 I was tired but just couldn't sleep. My brain was overloading with thoughts about school and other random stuff. Mostly I wondered if there would be any new students in my year. Usually there were a couple rich kids rebelling against their parents that decided to change from our town's very-good-and-fancy private school to the not-so-good communal one in their senior year. They always changed back after getting the attention and popularity they wanted, but I couldn't stop hoping that I would meet someone this year. At 3 am I wasn't thinking so rationally so when I finally fell asleep it was to that hope.

hi y'all! this is my first fanfic ever, i hope you'll like it. feel free to give constructive critisism and point out any of my spelling mistakes. Votes and comments are appreciated :)

xx N

Lonely without you (completed) -Scömìche AU Where stories live. Discover now