Chapter 6

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Scott's POV

I was back in the same old routine. Go to school, come from school, sing and sleep. It was comforting but boring. I wanted adventures but was too scared to go and get them.

I was early for class as usual, sitting down by a desk in the back of the room and dozing off for a while with my headphones plugged in. Staring straight ahead of me I didn't really see anything in particular. Everything was just equally dizzy and unimportant which made it easier to get lost in thought.

I would be able to sing for a shorter time today because we had to write an essay for history class. Normally I would have let the essay lay untouched on my table and just focused on raising money, but mom had started to worry about my grades. They weren't that bad, but definitely not good either and she knew I could do much better, so the essay was what I would be doing today. The fact that mom made me come home earlier didn't stop me from worrying about money.

We were saving up money so that I could continue in school, so both mom and I worked harder than ever. I wonder what it would be like to never have to worry about it. To live in a mansion and have somebody clean your room and make you food. Well, Mitch and Kirstie probably had all of that and more. I could just ask them. Ha ha ha. Like either of them would ever talk to me again. That didn't lessen my curiosity, especially since even I had heard the rumors about Mitch. I shouldn't believe them, they most likely weren't true anyways. Even though he had a man bag, and dressed like a model, and giggled a lot... Okay well, yeah maybe he was indeed gay, but that didn't really change anything for me. Maybe I can just admire him from afar. Some people could call it stalking but I mean he's so pretty you simply can't NOT look at him.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice that Kirstie sat down beside me. Wait, what?

"Hey Scott, how's it going?" she started talking to me the way you would talk to someone you knew. She was so pretty and nice. I didn't understand why she would come and sit by me, maybe she just felt sorry for me.

"I'm fine...?" my answer was so uncertain, it sounded like question. She just looked at me smiling and continued the conversation telling me how she was doing, like I would have asked her the same thing. I was thankful, I liked chatting and loved the fact that this hadn't become awkward yet. Now I just had to try out my nonexistent social skills.

"...I actually love the lessons here, especially music and dancing. What's your favorite subject?" she sounded genuinely interested to know my answer.

"Music." Realizing that I'd have to stop with the one-word-answers I added: "I'm actually in the same music class as Mitch."

"Yeah, I know." She left me wondering if they'd talked about me after saying this but my thoughts were interrupted when she moved onto small talk.

"So it's been getting colder. Summer or winter person?"

"Summer. I don't really like the cold that much. I wish it was warmer here." Yes, a full sentence without any awkwardness. Progress.

"Same! I have to say that I love the clothes in the winter, though. Oh, and let's not forget about Christmas!" This was the most excited I had ever seen Kirstie. She seemed to love Christmas deeply. I couldn't disagree with her on loving Christmas. Everything was so pretty and life was just overall peaceful, of course only after the stress right before the break.

"Yeah, agreed. Christmas is the best."

The teacher had already arrived and the lesson was starting. Being the industrious students we were, Kirstie and I started taking notes and focused on class. I was still in chock that we'd talked but pushed it to the back of my mind.

Lonely without you (completed) -Scömìche AU Where stories live. Discover now