32 || Ollivander

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The first thing Katie noticed upon seeing Harry again was that, over the past two months of summer, he had grown really cute. It was strange for her to admit, given that he was her best friend, but she couldn't deny it. Though, she didn't really know what about him had changed, but suddenly, he was attractive.

"How has your summer been?"

It took a few moments for Harry's question to register with Katie's brain. When it did register, she snapped her slightly agape mouth shut and shook her head.

"Good. I've been staying with Hermione." she said quickly.

Ron and Hermione looked on at Katie suspiciously but they both decided it was best not to say anything. Katie and Harry then joined everyone else at the table, and soon they were all eating and engaged in pleasant conversation.

"So," Katie began as she gulped down a mouthful of food. "You blew up your Aunt?"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Harry defended himself snappily.

"Mhm." Katie hummed sarcastically.

Harry let out an offended noise and hit Katerina's arm with the back of his hand. "I mean it!"

"All right, all right..." Katie giggled. "But how did you manage to blow up your Aunt?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Really, I don't. She started bad-mouthing my parents. I told her to shut up and before I knew it she was... well... blown up, and she sort of flew out the back door."

"Epic." Ron butt in, earning himself a stomp on the foot from an agitated Hermione.

"You're lucky you weren't expelled!" she said seriously. Katie hid her uncontrollable giggles behind her glass of pumpkin juice. "Don't think I can't see you laughing, Katerina Blair."

Katie's cheeks flushed pink and Harry smirked at her. She kicked him in the shin and he let out a great wail of pain and clutched his leg.

"Children!" Mrs Weasley cried. Ron snickered and pumpkin juice squirted out of his nose, which sent the remaining kids (Katie, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Chris and Leo) into fits of hysterical laughter.

"All right, all right!" Mrs Weasley snapped. "Time for the cake."

Katie's blood ran cold and she felt herself grow lightheaded.

"I swear if you start singing happy birthday—" But before Katie could finish her sentence, a waiter was already making his was over to the table carrying a chocolate cake. The group broke into a chorus of happy birthday. Katie grew hot from the inside out and her cheeks shone a deep crimson colour. She buried her face in Harry's shoulder.

"This is a nightmare." she muttered. Harry was the only one who heard her and he laughed at her misery.


The rest of the day was, in Katie's eyes, perfect. They all went shopping together and Katie got to spend a day with her best friends. The parents suggested that they get school supplies while they were out, and the students agreed.

Harry and Ron got separated from the group pretty early on in the shopping spree. Mrs Weasley whisked Hermione and Ginny away to buy books (Mr and Mrs Granger nervously followed behind Mrs Weasley, not wanting to get lost in the Wizarding World). This left Katie alone with her family.

"Why don't we go to Ollivander's and get Leo's wand?" Mrs Blair suggested. Chris let out a long groan.

"Can I please go get ice cream?" he moaned in annoyance.

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