99 || The Girl I've Heard So Much About

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A/N: A much shorter chapter than usual, but I feel like the end is quite impactful so I left it as it it. I'll try release the next chapter as soon as I can!

Also, if y'all see any typos or grammatical errors in this chapter, please point them out to me so I can correct them. I didn't get a chance to proof-read this chapter.


Barely ten seconds after Katie knocked, the grand doors of Malfoy Manor swung open. Unlike the iron gates, they made no noise and opened silently.

Katie was met with a pair of deep-set, deranged eyes, a pale, leering smile and a tangle of wild, black hair. It momentarily slipped Katie's mind that, not only was Bellatrix Lestrange a Death Eater alongside Lucius Malfoy, she was also Draco's aunt, so her presence at the Manor was justified. Still, Katie felt a surge of anger at the fact that Bellatrix would sit by and allow her nephew to be tortured.

Bellatrix let out a deep, evil chuckle as her hooded eyes swept over Katie, who was white faced and trembling under the woman's piercing gaze.

"There she is," Bellatrix whispered, faking awe and gesturing towards Katie. "The Slytherin Princess."

Swallowing her fear, Katie stretched herself
to her tallest height and said, as confidently as she could, "I'm here for Draco."

Bellatrix let out a maniac cackle that echoed throughout the grounds of Malfoy Manor. She turned around at the sound of footsteps in the hall behind her.

"What is it, Bella?"

Draco's mother came into view; slender, tall, blonde, sporting pointed features and looking well put-together, Narcissa Malfoy could not have looked any different to her sister — although, the two women did bear an undeniable resemblance.

"She's here for Draco." Bellatrix drawled, her laughter ringing out once more.

Narcissa's lips twitched upwards to form a nasty smile. Like Bellatrix, her eyes surveyed Katie before she stepped aside, granting Katie entrance to her home.

"Well, do come in," Narcissa said. "We wouldn't want to keep you from Draco any longer."

Bellatrix roared with elated laughter, Narcissa smirked, and Katie felt all the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Something didn't feel right. Of course, a trip to visit Lord Voldemort was always going to be sinister, Katie knew that, but there was something about Bellatrix's obvious elation that made Katie feel suspicious. Nevertheless, she stepped inside the long, wide hallway.

As soon as Katie walked over the threshold, the doors slammed shut behind her, making her jump. Bellatrix sniggered.

Like Draco's bedroom, the hallway was lit with spectral green lamps and portraits of pale, pointed faces and handsome wooden doors lined the walls.

A door to the right opened and an overwhelming feeling of anger washed over Katie. Lucius Malfoy had appeared in the hallway. He was almost exactly the same as Katie remembered — long, white-blonde hair, an upturned nose, pointed chin, and a pompous expression. Although he still looked proud, there was something much less sophisticated about his appearance. For one, he was as unshaven, and his eyes were lined by very prominent black circles. He looked exhausted as he sneered and examined Katie in the same way that the Black sisters had done.

"Katerina Blair," Lucius said slowly. "What a surprise. It's been far too long."

Katie could tell by his upturned nose and obvious grimace of distaste that Mr Malfoy was not at all pleased to see her. This didn't bother her in the slightest — the feeling was mutual.

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