107 || Appleby Village

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"Do you have your trunk packed?" Katie whispered to Draco out of the side of her mouth, her lips barely moving.

"Yeah, I never unpacked it after we got back from school," Draco responded. "Why?"

"Because we're going to need to make a quick getaway... Run!"

Gripping each other's hands like their lives depended on it, Katie and Draco turned on the spot and sprinted from the room. Bellatrix fired spells at them — many of them missing them by mere centimetres and ricocheting off the walls.

"Get back here!" Bellatrix shrieked. "You lying little — you knew it was Potter!"

A jet of green light soared by Katie's ear and she saw her entire life flash before her eyes.

"Bella!" Narcissa screamed wildly. "Stop! That's my son!"

"You don't want to kill me, Bellatrix!" Katie called back as Draco heaved the door open. "You can't harm the Dark Lord's precious daughter!"

"I'm sure he'll have a change of heart when I tell him that you betrayed him!" Bellatrix yelled, firing another Killing Curse that missed Draco by an inch. Narcissa was searching the room for her fallen wand. Lucius still lay Stunned on the floor.

"You can't betray someone that you were never loyal to," Katie raised her own wand. "Accio trunks!"

Bellatrix let out a roar of fury. Katie and Draco had escaped the grand room and were hurtling down the hallway, but Bellatrix was pursuing them through the house, yelling in anger and casting curse after curse, most of which were aimed perfectly so Katie had to deflect them with a Shield Charm. There was a banging from upstairs, meaning that Katie and Draco's trunks were on the way. Sure enough, as they were nearing the front doors, the trunks came zooming down the staircase and right into their hands.

The front door was ajar, as Draco had said, but as she got closer to the door, Katie got that horrible feeling that it was moving farther away. Rain lashed down heavily outside.

"You'll pay for this!" Bellatrix screamed. "Avada Kedavra!"

Thankfully, the curse missed, instead obliterating a portrait of a Malfoy family ancestor.

"We can't Apparate inside the grounds of the Manor," Draco shouted over the noise of smashing glass and furniture, courtesy of Bellatrix missed spells. "We need to get to the end of the pathway, then we can Disapparate."

Katie nodded, then, still running, wheeled around. "Stupefy!"

To her amazement, the spell hit Bellatrix square in the chest. She let out a cry of fury and then fell over, unconscious.

Draco grinned from ear-to-ear. "Nice!"

"Let's not relax just yet," Katie said gravely. "It won't take your mum long to realise what's happening."

Into the rain they ran. They had barely made it ten paces down the carriageway before they were soaked to the skin. Katie made a mental note that ankle boots with heels, skirts and blouses were not appropriate for rain or running. Their trunks were weighing them down greatly; by the time they reached the iron gates, Narcissa had already hurried outside.

"Draco!" she called. "Draco, come back here at once!"

She sounded worried. Katie knew that Narcissa was only looking out for her son, and she respected the woman for that, but the issue was the fact that Narcissa did not care how many innocent people were killed, so long as she and her family were safe — that was the reason she was on Voldemort's side and obeyed his commands. She was afraid of what he would do to her and her family if she did not fight for him.

PRINCESS ➳ harry potter , draco malfoy (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now