78 || Flight to Freedom

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A/N: I added a song to each story part to sort of set the mood for each school year. The songs can be found in the chapters titled: FIRST YEAR, SECOND YEAR, THIRD YEAR, FOURTH YEAR, FIFTH YEAR — and there will be ones for SIXTH YEAR and SEVENTH YEAR when I get on to writing Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. If anyone wants to have a look at the songs they're posted in each of the chapters I just listed.


"How many years do you reckon I'd get in Azkaban for preforming the Killing Curse on a Ministry Official?" Katie said angrily as she and Draco left Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"I don't know," Draco answered, "but it's not something I'd recommend doing."

They were halfway down the corridor when they heard a distant bang that sounded unmistakably like an explosion, followed by reverberating screams and yells above them. Instantly, Katie made to run towards the source of the noise, but Draco grabbed her wrist and held her back.

"Absolutely not," he said firmly as she tried to wretch herself free of his grasp. "You're not running straight into prolonged danger."

But with one great tug, Katie pulled her wrist free and took off at a sprint.

"You're terribly reckless, you know!" Draco shouted after her as he ran to keep up. "Sometimes I wonder why you're not a Gryffindor!"

"I couldn't be a Gryffindor!" Katie called back joyously. "I'm too much of a bitch!"

Katie tore up the staircases to the next floor, her wand gripped tightly in her hand in case, as Draco said, she was running straight into prolonged danger, but she was almost positive that a certain pair of twins were just causing their usual mischief. They seemed to be doing everything in their power to make Umbridge's time as Headmistress a nightmare for her, and so far, they had succeeded, having set hundreds of bewitched fireworks off throughout the school before Easter. Umbridge, of course, had no proof that it was them, so they couldn't be punished.

As Katie ran up the stairs to the fourth floor, she found, to her greatest perplexity that streams of dirty water were trickling down the stone steps.

"Did someone blow the toilets up?" Draco asked from behind her, clearly disgusted by the fact that they were stepping through the blackened water.

Katie rounded into the fourth floor corridor and let out a yelp of shock. She had stepped right into a deep puddle of murky water that almost reached her knees. Looking up, she saw that the entire fourth floor corriodor had been transformed into a pungent swamp.

"No they didn't..." Katie whispered in disbelief, followed by a string of proud laughter.

There was distant yelling from a few floors below. Katie stepped out of the swamp water and tore back down the stairs, almost slipping a few times thanks to the wetness .

"Stop — running — everywhere!" Draco shouted breathlessly as he trailed her.

"No one made you follow me!"

"What did you want me to do? Let you walk into a fatal situation alone?"

"Oh, yes, Draco, because a frog might just have jumped out of the swamp and bit my head off." she hollered back sarcastically.

Draco laughed falsely. "Very funny."

Katie and Draco continued to descend the floors until they arrived at the top of the marble staircase, where they found what appeared to be the entire school assembled in the Great Hall. They created a large ring, and in the centre of the clearing in the middle of the ring stood Fred and George Weasley with the look of two people who had just been cornered.

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