and some scrapes will be scars (little moth)

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Note: This is the second part to 'little moth it's gonna be hard (some things we cannot fix)'. Please be careful reading this, this chapter is rough.

Warnings: Strong language/swearing, major character death, stroke, ambulance mention, decapitation mention, death, abuse implied, neglect implied, and blood mention
"Where the hell am I?!"

If he'd known this guy was going to be so dramatic, he would have stayed in bed longer. Feigned sleep. But he couldn't; he needed to save Patton. Again. "Look, it's really complicated and I don't have time to be catering to your every fucking need—"

Bristling, the stranger's face reddened in both anger and embarrassment, and his hands tightened into fists at his sides. "I think knowing where I am is a perfectly reasonable need!"

"— but basically, you're in my house. It's the same day as when Patton died, but he's alive, so don't go feeling sorry for me."

With a face much less angry and more confused than Virgil had ever seen in his life, the stranger swivelled to look around the bedroom of his new 'companion', taking in all of the band posters and television show posters stuck to the walls. Blue tack, or was it white tack? Did it really matter? Because it was only when his alarm blared at him that he realised how late it was.


He immediately began running down the stairs, dutifully ignoring the screaming in the living room and the thundering steps of his unwanted guest.

He was going to be late and Patton was already going to be dead on the side of the curb somewhere. At the train station, probably. Patton would never leave Virgil to get the train by himself unless he absolutely had to. But maybe he wasn't? Maybe he was alive and standing at the entrance, smiling nervously as strangers passed him by and gave him odd stares for wearing a skirt. Virgil would kick their asses if he had the time to do so and if he wasn't absolutely terrified of people. Only God knows how he'd managed to sass that stranger back in his house.

And oh god. He'd taken someone else back in time. Oh fuck.

"Would you wait up?! Jesus, you're fast for a little sprite, aren't you?"

Did that dude seriously just insult his height when Virgil was literally the only one in the entire world who knew what was going on? He should've kept every bit of information to himself, but someone had seen. Someone had travelled back in time with him and there was no way around telling him everything.

But he could do it after he'd saved Patton, once and for all.

People side-stepped when they spotted his oddly familiar figure storming down the street with a not-so familiar face trotting next to him, somehow catching up despite how much of a 'fast little sprite' he was. Prick.

Once beside him, the man huffed out a breath and huffed a bit more when he realised that Virgil was not slowing down. Not for anything. "What's going on? Who even are you?"

"I'll explain properly later, but I'm Virgil and we've reversed time. Or, well, I've reversed time. You didn't do shit."

"You say that like I was supposed to."

Virgil shrugged. He didn't have time for small talk. Or talking in general. Not when that familiar face began to slide into view through the blurriness of the long distance, he almost smiled. However, that guy wasn't just going to let Virgil tell him that time travel was a thing that existed and then ignore him. "How?! You can reverse... How?!"

"Shut up, you idiot," he hissed lowly so nobody could hear. "We can't let anyone, especially Patton, know what's happened. We clear?"

"Not even slightly!"

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