Chapter 61 -- Thanksgiving pt. 1

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Midge sat, curled up on Zac's soft recliner while he and Scott talked at the door.  Scott had told him 9 times that Zac would drive him back home Friday morning around 10 and he had a key to the apartment around his neck. 

Scott had never been so happy that someone wasn't going home for Thanksgiving. Zac's family was going to Sebastian's house so he'd decided to plead a work excuse and stay home.   As hard as it was to leave Midge in someone else's care, he knew that Zac was absolutely the best choice for every reason he could think of.  When he'd threatened Zac's life for the 5th time, he finally decided that Midge would be fine and walked over to say yet another good-bye.  "It's only like.... 35 or 40 hours, something like that" he said, pulling him close.

"Thirty-eight and a half.  I will be fine" he answered, his words muffled in Scott's shirt.

"And you'll call me...."

"If I need anything.  Yes."

"And I will call you and check in whenever I can.  Alright?"

"I hope you have a wonderful time Scott, and enjoy your shows.  Break a leg is what they say in the movies, right?"

"Yep, you got it.  Okay, I gotta run.  It'll be weird sleeping without you but I have to be up at 3 to catch the flight and Z-man put his foot down about dropping you off at four in the morning.  You have your bag?"

"Yes, and your pillow."

"Which means yours is still at the apartment, right?" he grinned.  "Works for me.  I'll call you tomorrow when I get to New York."  He stepped back, hands still resting on Midge's shoulders.  "I'll miss you, but I have to go."

"I know.  You are bad at leaving.  You should sleep."

"Alright, alright."  He headed for the door, then paused.  "Hey, Zac?  Don't let him drink too much coffee, okay?"

        "I have your fucking 3-page list, Scott.  I got it.  He's not a child and it's one freaking day.  It's all good, really.  Now get out of my house" he quipped, grinning.

Scott rolled his eyes even though he knew Zachary was right.  "Bye Midge and thanks again Zac.  See you two soon."

        "Okay Midge, let me show you your room and give you a quick tour.  If you need anything at all, please ask."  He grabbed Midge's bag and opened the door to the guest room.

Midge walked in, pillow in hand.  "This is very nice.  Thank you so much."  He sat on the bed and tried to bounce but he just sank into it.  "This bed is odd.  Oh, I mean, I am sorry.  I did not mean to be rude."

        "No, no, it is.  It's a memory foam mattress and doesn't bounce but it's comfortable as hell.  And Midge, I'm nothing like my uncle, okay?  You can say or do anything you want.  Let me show you where the bathroom is and where the basics are in the kitchen.  Scott says you're an early riser so feel free to make yourself at home in the morning, okay?"

***  ***  ***  ***

        Zac opened the door of his bedroom the next morning and then quickly shut it again when he remembered he wasn't alone.  He pulled on a pair of pants and then tried again, not quite believing his nose.  Scott had told him that Midge usually made breakfast but he didn't expect him to do it at his place.  "That smells amazing.  Are you  making waffles?"  He grabbed the elastic off the counter and pulled up his hair.

"I am trying to make waffles but it is my first time.  I hope they are okay.  I was going to make pancakes but the box says it also makes waffles and I can read the recipe.  Do you like waffles?" he asked, hopeful.

        "Midge, I like everything.  I never turn down food and this smells amazing.  Thanks.  Want coffee?"  He grabbed the carafe and went to the sink to fill it.

"If I may.  I like it very much."

        "I've been warned you're a lightweight and have a one-drink limit" he joked.

"That is true.  Apparently I am funny but hyper when I have four cups."

        "Four?  Yeah, that would do it.  Hey, I have bacon.  Want some?"

"I LOVE yumstrips!!!!  Oh, I'm sorry.  Yes please."

        "You crack me up.  Bacon it is."  He pulled the package out of the fridge and grabbed a frying pan.  "Should I just cook it all?"

"I would... if..... whatever you would like."

        "I'll take that as a yes."  He got it started and then made them each a cup of coffee.  "Here you go."

"Thank you.  The first waffle is very small.  This is hard."

        "Yeah, mine always pour out the edges.  It's all good, it doesn't really matter what size they are.  So we're going to my friends house this afternoon to eat.  They don't know about you so you'll have to handle the ears.  We need to leave about 1 o'clock, alright?"

"Of course.  I will be ready.  I do not mind staying here though, if you do not want to deal with me for your holiday celebration."

        "Midge, I like you more than I like half of them, so you're coming, alright?  Besides, if I leave your side.... let me think how he put it.  He said 'if you leave his side other than to shit or sleep, I will make you pay.'  So you're coming."  He put the bacon on the plates and grabbed the syrup, heading towards the table.

"He would not hurt you, would he?"

        "Who, Scott?  If something happened to you... Yeah, he'd probably pop me one, at the very least.  But nothing's going to happen."  He grabbed the remote and turned on the parade.

"I love this parade!" Midge squealed, jumping up and racing towards the television.

        "Take your plate with you" he said, chuckling.  "He told me you would probably enjoy it.   Hey, did you sleep okay?"

"Very well.  You are right and the mattress is amazing.  It is like being hugged all night and is almost as nice as sleeping with Scott."

        "I wouldn't go that far, but I'm glad you like it.  I'm going to grab a shower.  Eat all the bacon you want, there's more in the kitchen."

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