Chapter 64 -- Black Friday

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Scott was exhausted. Jumping coast to coast and back again in less than a day and a half was NOT the best way he could think of to spend the holiday. He parked the car rather sloppily and grabbed his bag, climbing the steps to the apartment. He was a little bit early and had considered picking Midge up on the way but he decided instead to get a shower and a quick nap before Zachary brought him home since those plans were already in place. Besides, as much as he loved being with people, he needed an hour to himself after the past two days.

He put the key in the lock and turned but it didn't click over because it was already unlocked. He squinched up his forehead and thought about it, deciding that he must have left it open when he was leaving at 3:30 in the morning. Pushing open the door he walked in two steps and froze. The place was trashed. Absolutely destroyed. Who the hell gets robbed on Thanksgiving? He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed the police who said they'd send someone over.

The second call he made was to Midge, but he didn't pick up. He tried again, then called Zac's phone when he still didn't get a response, but there was no answer on Zac's phone either. He hesitated just a moment, then shot down the stairs and jumped into the car, racing to Zac's house.

He bolted to the front door and then stilled, listening. He didn't hear anything through the door, and Zac's car was parked in the driveway like usual. He took a few deep breaths, telling himself he was being a childish moron for worrying so much. Just because someone broke into his apartment didn't mean there was a huge conspiracy to get to Midge. Midge was probably fine, but he wouldn't be if Scott banged on the door and woke him up looking and sounding like a maniac.

He closed his eyes and smacked his forehead, realizing that he'd run out on the police and they, and Midge, wouldn't mix. He turned and got halfway to the car before he figured out that he had to talk to Zac and see if he could bring Midge over later in the day instead. He felt like a damn yo-yo, barely knowing if he was coming or going. He knocked quietly on the door, grinning when a rumpled, mostly naked Midge opened it. "Hey, how are you?" Finally the stress of the day started to dissipate.

"I do not feel well."

"What's wrong love?" He took a step towards Midge to pull him into a hug but stopped mid-stride when Zac walked out of the guest room in nothing but his boxer briefs. His eyebrows shot up and he raised his chin, staring and waiting for an explanation.

"Morning Scott. What are you doing here?" Zac asked, padding towards the kitchen to make coffee.

"I sort of want to ask you the same question right now. Did you hurt him?"

"No Scott, it is not his fault. Please do not be mad. If it is okay, please ask questions more quietly. You are hurting my head" Midge whispered. He tried to curl into Scott's chest and get a hug but he was gently nudged to the side as Scott turned towards Zac.

"Did I what? I didn't do anything. He had a bit too much to drink last night."

"Liquor? You let him get DRUNK? What the hell were you thinking? And then you can explain why you're coming out of his room. I mean, unless he slept in yours? But why would he? Help me out here" Scott demanded.

"Ohhh" Zac said, realization dawning. "Sorry, I'm still half asleep, didn't have any idea what you were pissed off about. Relax. I didn't know he wasn't allowed to drink, it wasn't in the damn instruction manual. I asked him if he drank and he said yes so I gave him a glass of wine. Well, he took to it sort of how he took to coffee. And the bedroom is nothing. Look, he had a rough night and I fell asleep in there. Nothing happened, I swear. He was upset and he asked for a hug and we fell asleep, okay?"

"Do you realize how fucking lame that sounds?" he asked. He tried to keep his voice down a bit but he was out of patience. "Okay, look. I have to go home now on no fucking sleep and deal with the fact that I got robbed. Can you keep him here awhile? Doesn't look like you'll mind too much."

"Scott?" Midge asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He finally turned and looked at him, trying to put half a smile on his face.

"I am sorry."

"Do you have reason to be?"

"I do not know. You are mad, and that is enough reason I think. I do not understand -- what happened at home? Did they take your things?"

"You know, all I could think about when I saw the apartment was making sure you were safe. There wasn't anything there that mattered half as much as you. Now I know you are and I'm glad, I really am, but I don't.... look I need to shut up before I say something I'll regret. I don't care about the apartment but I have to go and talk to the cops. Turn your damn phone on, okay? I'll call you later."

"Scottie!" Zac called as he turned and took a step out the door.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now, okay? I can't deal with all this at once. As long as he's safe, the rest I can deal with later, I guess."

"Nothing fucking happened Scott. You know how I feel about being accused of shit but I'm taking it right now because it's you and I know you're head over heels. But listen carefully cause I'm not saying it again: Nothing Happened."

"Yeah, I know, I know -- You and your 'if you're going to blame me, I may as well do it' attitude. I'm not saying anything, okay? But I know him, and it wasn't all that long ago that he was offering to blow me for feeding him breakfast, so forgive me for being a little freaked out when you walk out of his bedroom practically naked!"

"He wouldn't do that. He loves you Scott."

"No he doesn't. I don't know if he can't or he won't but.... he doesn't. I thought... but if he... Midge?"

"Yes Sir?" he answered, his head bowed.

"Do you want to stay with Zac?"

"Until you are finished with the police?" Midge asked, fighting against his instinct to jump to conclusions.

"No, permanently. It's okay if you do, I just... I need to know. I'll do whatever you want."

"Scott! Nothing fucking happened. Why are you being an ass?" Zac asked, his eyes narrowing at Midge who was practically shaking. "Of course he doesn't want to stay here!"

"It's a question, that's all. You should choose where you want to be Midge. I'll call later and you can let me know, alright? I want you with me. Do you get that? Are you hearing me? I want you with me, but only if you want to be."

"Scott! You need a cup of coffee because it is too damn early to be acting THIS fucking insane. I get that you've had a crappy morning but what year is it on the planet you just came back from?" Zac snarled.

"Awfully defensive, aren't you? Look Zac, before it was either me or the asshole who.... you don't need details. It literally wasn't even a decision, alright? He stayed with me because I was his only decent option. Well, if he really loves me at all, he'll still come back even if he has another place to go. Right?"

Zac sighed. "I get what you're saying but you know he'll want to go home with you and you're.... he's so upset. Why are you doing this?"

"Maybe because I'm all in and he's sleeping with YOU??!!!! Yeah, yeah, save it. I know. Nothing happened. I know you probably didn't plan anything but he's... the fucking Pope couldn't turn him down and I'm finding it really hard to believe he didn't offer." He turned his back to them then and got into his car, heading back to his wrecked apartment.

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