IDV | Martha Behamfill X Male Reader

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Belated one shot for my lovely Coordinator <3


Martha Behamfill X Reader

" no" a solid firm answer echoes in the manor hall, the group of survivor who was in the living room heard the booming and clear answer from the male known as y/n, the ( occupation ). " I told you I won't go to any matches with you unless you realized what you' done.

"what??? We need you in that match why are you even acting this way" Martha just answered back earning a groan from the male who only rubbed his temple in head ache.

" this is the reason why I don't want to talk about it right now, you won't understand me at all" the male added earning a glare from the coordinator.

" I save your sorry ass you should be thankful to me, you know" Martha added earning a deep sign from the male

" just no and if you really cannot drop your pride to be able to talk to me then be it" he said as he eyed the coordination who was already fuming in anger " I won't join you and that's my answer" with that the male walked to his room leaving the living room in a very hard and tense atmosphere, Martha was raging inside she can't understand why you were acting this way.

A low whistle was heard from the thief who was sitting on the sofa near the fire place " wooooo wow that's really strong" he started " shut up" as Martha shouted in anger, the group only eyed her as they not know what to do or say.

" well I think y/n really did had a point there Martha " the perfumer said as she eyed her from her sit, the coordinator only looked at her confused and angry " I mean he told you he don't need to be rescued and yet you gone for it" she added as Martha looked at her shocked

" what?? All I did was saved him why does this make me feel like I was the bad guy?" she added earning few groans in response. Ema walked towards her as she spoke in comeback.

" y/n clearly said he don't need to be save that match Martha, it's just you didn't listen to him" she added as Naib interject adding few response " which lead us to a losing streak than a tie, you might had need to rethink why he was so angry about this" he added " besides, he said he don't need you to save him and yet you didn't listen" he added, Martha was growing angry every moment.

" I saved him he should be happy I did, at least be thankful I didn't leave him," she was about to say something more when Emily spoke " but he said he don't saving" Emily sigh as Martha just stood there, the group slowly walk out their way leaving Emily and Ema with Martha. " is it really wrong?" she asked the doctor who only shook her head in disagreement. Ema sitting across he observing what will happen.

" saving someone is not wrong but respecting their decision is greatly a need" she pat Martha's head as she spoke, Ema nodded as she looked at her, Martha only look the table cloth as she was trying to rethink what went wrong. " ughhhh" the sound of desperate cries resounded again.

A knock was heard from your door, upon opening it up you saw two of your closes friends. Aesop and Eli stood there in front of your door post as they smiled waiting for you to invite them in. " hey" Eli said as you opened the door wider enough for them to get in. " what do you need?" you ask them as you gently sat on the chair near the table. Aesop walk to your bed as Eli closes the door.

"we heard about your fight with Martha" Eli started, Aesop hum in agreement " what really happened?" the seer asked, the ( occupation). A groan was heard and there Eli and Aesop know how distraught y/n feels, y/n is a very flamboyant and free spirit male and so making him sigh deep or groan means something really is wrong.

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