Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad

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When I woke up, I looked at Lena who was still asleep in my arms and smiled. I tried to enjoy the moment as much as I could because I knew there was a chance that I might not get many more opportunities to do so.

I began thinking about everything we'd done together. Although I'd only known her for just over 2 weeks, they were the best 2 weeks of my eon long life by far. It made me sad thinking that if I didn't accomplish this, she could die.

Tears started forming in my eyes as I thought more about not being able to see her smile. It made me sad, yet also gave me determination. For once I had a purpose to succeed. With my other missions, if I failed, I'd just go back to hell and begin all over, but if I failed to kill the icon of sin, Lena would die.

I sat up and started running my hands through her hair. She smiled as I did so, making me think she was awake.

After about a minute of me fussing her head, she decided to properly wake up.

She stretched a bit and sighed.

"Morning Lena." I said.

"Mmmh. Morning Luv." She replied as she sat up.

She turned to face me to see that my eyes were slightly red.

"Luv, are you ok?" She asked me.

"I could be better. I'll explain when we're up."

She nodded and started to get dressed. I got out of bed myself and got dressed. When we finished getting dressed, we walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen part of our apartment.

"So luv, whaddya want for breakfast?" Lena asked while leaning against the sideboard.

"I don't know, suprise me." I said with a smile.

"Sure thing luv." She said with a giggle. I sat down at the table and waited. I could hear sizzling coming from the kitchen, but I couldn't see what was making the noise. I was still contemplating on whether or not I should tell Lena on what could happen. I decided it would probably be better to wait until after we'd eaten.

"Bacon and eggs!" Lena said as she brought over 2 plates of bacon, eggs, toast and a bottle of ketchup.

"Mm. This looks delicious." I said.

We both started eating the meal which Lena had made for us. I could tell you now, it tasted as delicious as it looked.

It didn't take long for us to both finish eating it.

"Yum. That was delicious." Lena said.

"It sure was." I replied.

We both just sat there for a second, silent.

"So, (y/n), you said that you'd be explain once we'd gotten up, so what was bothering you?"

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Lena, this icon of sin is the most powerful demon I've come across. That and the fact that it's got Maykr armour means it is probably the most powerful thing I'll have to fight in a long time. If I can't kill the Khan Maykr or it, you'll die. There's no other way to put it. Normally death is something I'd just turn the cold shoulder to and forget about, but I don't think I would be able to forget about you. You've changed me too much and you mean too much to me, and losing you from my own failure would add more onto my burden then anything else ever could. I've never had to consider the consequences of failure before, but now, if I fail, everything which I care about would be gone again, and I don't think I could live without you."

Lena looked at me in the eyes. She started tearing up. She walked round the table to me and sat on my lap.

"(Y/n), you won't fail, don't worry. You have the help of all of overwatch with you. For once, you're not alone, so don't put it all on yourself."

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