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When I first started writing this book,  I didn't really write it for anyone other than myself. All I wanted to do was have another doom X overwatch crossover, I never expected it to actually turn out to be good and for people to actually like it. I know I'm an egotistical bitch and liked my own chapters, but there are still way more views and other likes then I expected. When I saw that I'd even got on the ranks for the 770 odd tracer stories, I was blown away. I then woke up and saw it was 3rd place, for some reason. I didn't know how to react. I just can't thank everybody enough. The fact that a 15 year old person who hates English can do this proves that anyone can write on this platform and people will like it, so if you feel nervous about writing, just get stuck in, the worst that could happen is that your story doesn't explode into fame.

For those who want the story to continue, don't worry, I love writing the story and I'll probably keep it going on for a very long time, since, ya know, Lena's now a slayer, I can take it on as long as I want, and I probably will keep going for as long as I can. I might spice it up after a while by just going wild and merging even more universes in like a one shot series in the story, but it will have a definite finish point where the main story ends with a (hopefully) satisfying ending, I won't just keep everyone hanging when I eventually just drop the story, but for now, let's see if Lena can keep peace on earth while Hayden tries to get (y/n) back on earth, and let's hope that nothing big is going on in hell.

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