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"The evening sky never fails to impress me." I gush.

"Yeah, but you definitely do." He comments.

Levi leans back on the bars of the balcony, holding a cup to his mouth.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pout, bringing my attention back to him.

"Kaisa, you're too dense for your own good. Learn to take a joke." Levi shakes his head. I squint my eyes back at him.

"No one can tell when you're joking because you use the same tone no matter the situation, Levi."

"That's not a free pass to be clueless." He blinks.

I roll my eyes and bring my attention back to the moon above us.

"Levi?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He responds.

"One day, I'm gonna reach the sky and fly among the clouds." I smile.

"I knew you were delusional, but I didn't know it progressed to be this bad." Levi remarks.

"What're you even doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping or something?" I mutter.

"Had too much paperwork and decided that I'd grab a cup of tea before heading back to finish it. You just so happened to be here." He shrugged.

I knew he was exhausted. The lack of sleep began to take a toll on him and it was evident to see throughout our training sessions. He brought the cup up to his lips, tilting his head back slightly, allowing the moon's rays to softly rest on his features. I turn my head and look beyond the bars and see the cramped houses cluttered together with not a single candle lit inside of any of the rooms. I wondered what time it was, but to be honest, I didn't really care.

"Hey! Did you remember that tea leaf place we passed by on the last expedition back?" I asked with excitement.

Levi raises and eyebrow at me and stuffs his hands into his pants pocket. "I do, why?"

"I don't know, I just remembered it. I wanna see what type of tea leaves they have! I know you enjoy black tea but, I guess that's because that's all we have here, huh." I reply.

"Yellow Gold." He states.


"Yellow Gold. That's my favourite tea leaf." He casually says.

"Aren't those leaves extremely expensive?" I inquire.

"Indeed. But, I was able to have it once in my life before, and I haven't forgotten it since." He stirs the tea in his cup.

"I see," I begin, "Levi has a soft spot for something! I knew you had a soul!" I tease.

"Why are you surprised, you airhead?" He retorts.

"Whoa, no need to be so aggressive, you should 'learn to take a joke'" I smirk.

"I'm leaving now." He states. I don't reply and wave in his direction.

"Kaisa, don't be so rude."



"Kaisa!" Levi shakes my body.

I immediately push him away and reach to draw my blades to move back but instead I feel myself drop.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now