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Levi and I met up for a little while before we reconvened with the rest of the squad who we'd be babysitting together. Nothing much is said besides an insult here and there, accompanied by some weird teasing which is more prevalent between the two of us than before.

Our relationship—or whatever you can actually call it—evolved into something which just exemplified our conversations from before; nothing much changed besides Levi's demeanor around me. He "smiles" and jokes (if you can even call it that), while teasing me a lot more than before which makes me suspicious of who Levi really is as a person. These surprises continue to catch me off guard and it's a bit weird to experience firsthand.

As far as I know, we're still comrades...or at least friends, I guess. We haven't really discussed titles and I don't think we will for a while. Regardless, it's clear that the chemistry between us has changed slightly. He's been more open with his feelings around me, and he doesn't feel as cold as he used to. However, this isn't really saying much—I mean, this is in comparison to the same Levi who has no issue insulting others and no worries about threatening people.

But I notice the small things too. I notice that he walks closer to me now, especially since our arms and hands brush against each other every now and then. He is always looking over me searching for God knows what and is observing how others interact with me. Of course, it's only been a day and it's possible that I'm reading too far between the lines. However, I know that Levi wouldn't do such things without a purpose—Levi never does anything unless there's a specific purpose.

Right now, though, we're sitting inside of a cart with Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Hanji, and Pastor Nick. I'm sitting next to Levi on the outside, wearing my gear since I got the okay from Dr. Kageyama earlier today. Everyone seems to be surprised with my quick recovery, and to be honest, I am too. Of course cuts healed quickly for me in the past, but considering all of my extensive injuries, it seems too weird that I've progressed so quickly in such a small amount of time.

As far as I'm concerned, we're heading out to Wall Sina to see the hole that's been made in the wall by a titan. On the way, we'd be making a stop in Ehrmich to gather some supplies before heading out to the wall. For once it seemed like a plausible plan that I wasn't too against, so I had no complaints.

"Our best friend Pastor Nick is going to be accompanying us for a little while so he can see what people look like when they've lost their safety!" Hanji says a little too cheerily.

"What?! Why doesn't he just tell us what he needs to say now?!" Eren replies.

"Pastor Nick! Please tell us what you know, tell us so you can help humanity's fight against the titans!" Eren pleads with the man.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that." Pastor Nick responds solemnly.

"How could you betray us like that?" Eren says aggressively.

"Oi, I may be playing babysitter but it doesn't mean I'll put up with your bickering." Levi begins before revealing a pistol which was tucked away in his jacket. "I don't want to have to put more orifices into anyone's body." He threatens.

Eren's confident posture disappears and he now wears a nervous expression as does Armin while Mikasa looks unbothered.

It's kinda creepy how similar Mikasa and Levi are.

I rest my head in my hand, trying not to laugh at Levi's cold exterior to others. Thankfully, I contain myself and instead get a worrisome Mikasa staring at me.

"Captain, are you okay?" She asks, placing a hand on my knee.

"Huh? Yes, I'm fine. Just spacing out is all." I reassure her with a small smile.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now