Chapter 43 😺

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That's what we were doing today. Well grocery shopping. Jin gave me a list for what we needed since I now have no longer any control of what goes on in that kitchen excepts when it comes to snacks. Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon all came with me to the supermarket while the others stayed at home.

I could of gone myself but of course to no surprise at least three of them came with me. I don't really mind especially since their height helps reach the top shelves and I no longer have to ask an assistant to help me. So it's useful and it's company. Not that Namjoon speaks a lot but its's till company and Hoseok and Jimin certainly keep the conversation flowing.

Although right now Jimin was in the next aisle looking for the milk while Namjoon, Hoseok and I were walking down the canned aisle. To be honest we didn't need anything from this aisle but I wanted to find some tuna. I don't know why but I seen an advert on the tv about some tuna and fish and I really wanted it since. I was determined to get the tuna yet Namjoon and Hoseok had no idea why were strolling down this aisle.

"Y/n why are we going down here? It doesn't say anything on the list about canned food." Hoseok

He says while reading the list again in his hands trying to find anything that says otherwise but he wont find any. I already know what's on the list since I memorised it in the car since Jimin wanted to drive us here.

"That's because it's not on the list Hoseok. I want tuna."

I smiled at the word, my sights scanning the shelves while Hoseok stopped in surprise folding the piece of paper back and tucking it into his pocket. However Namjoon thought it was pretty amusing judging by his silent chuckle.

"Tuna? Why tuna?" Hoseok

He skips over to me when I stopped to look at the canned of fish I spotted. All I could see was sardines and others but I didn't want that I wanted tuna.

"I just want it that's all."

I shrugged because I don't think theres anything wrong with wanting something to eat something you don't buy much of.

"Well it's certainly new. I don't think I've ever seen you eat tuna before." Hoseok

Again I shrugged still scanning the shelves.

"It's up there Y/n." Namjoon

I followed to where he pointed and seen it was on the top shelf. I pouted but Namjoon stepped away from behind the trolley and picked up a can from the top shelf since he was tall enough to reach. But I wanted more than one.

"Em, Namjoon could I have a few more please?"

I felt shy in asking him but he didn't react much to my question other than his wide dimpled smile spread across his face and a nod and grabbing another two in his other hand and turning back around to our shopping cart and putting the three cans in.

"Actually Joonie could you pick up another four cans?"

His eyes widen and Hoseok gasped taking my hand in his.

"Jeez Y/n what are you going to do with all that?" Hoseok

He asks as Namjoon reached up taking a further four more cans of tuna.

"I don't know. I'll see if Jin can make something with it if it's too much."

To be honest I don't know if I'll eat it all but I just really wanted it right now so I might as well help myself right now. I watched Namjoon gently pack the cans into the shopping cart.

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