meeting the crew

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once you take that photo more fans start screaming. you take a bunch of photos and payton grabs your arm. and whispers in your ear.

P | you want this to get better.

y/n | what

P | just trust me.

payton speaks up.

P | okay we have to catch our flight. i'll see you guys on tour hopefully.

he grabs your hand. you walk off. right before you board the plane he grabs your hips and pulls you in for a kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck. he let go and you kept walking. the fans went crazy.

y/n | payton!

P | i know you liked it.

you laughed and grabbed his hand again. when you sit down in the very nice first class seats. a flight attendant asks what food you want.

y/n | orange chicken and rice from Panda.

P | nuggets and fries from chick-fil-a.

flight attendant (FA) | got it i'll be back shortly.

P | thank you.

y/n | payton, what about everything earlier weren't we keeping it a secret.

P | it's called teasing. it makes everyone question it more. you see. but why? you seem so stressed about it

y/n | i just- it was fun.

P | i know.

he leans in for another kiss, which you return, running your fingers through his hair.

P | this is going to be one great trip.

the flight attendant comes back with your food. you start eating and people start boarding the plane. a bunch of girls walk by and recognize you. you keep eating. smile and wave sometimes. soon the plane is ready to take off. you grab payton's hand under the table.

*time skip to exiting the plane*

FA | okay guys come with me. we are going to get you and james off first to avoid the crowd.

you stand up and get off. you meet james at the airport.

James | okay i'm taking my last flight out to get kevin so just go through security and uber to the hotel.

P | okay

y/n | thank you!

you start walking and you see people looking at you your holding payton's hand. you get stopped multiple times to take photos but eventually you get out and order and uber. you sit at a bench waiting for your uber as a guy walks up to you.

man | payton?!


he stands up and they hug each other and you sit there.

Josh (J) | how's it been boss man.

P | great how's life in Canada.

J | awesome. missed the homies though. who's this?

P | ah this is my girlfriend. we haven't opened up to fans yet. so shh.

you stand up and shake his hand.

y/n | hey i'm y/n. payton's girlfriend.

J | hey y/n i'm josh... you coming on tour with us?

y/n | yeah! i am.

J | cool!

your uber comes.

P | josh you want to hop in with us-

J | i have an uber coming already but i'll see you there right?

P | right!

y/n | bye josh.

P | who would have thought. that's my brother.

y/n | another one?

P | mhm

y/n | he seems cool.

you lay your head on payton's shoulder as you drive to the hotel.

uber driver | okay here you go.

y/n | thank you so much.

payton pays him and you walk inside. fans start going crazy.

P | hey guys!

y/n | hii

a guy you expect is trent walks up to you.

guy | hey payton. this is y/n i'd believe.

y/n | yes sir nice to meet you.

guy | i'm trent kelly. i will be the manger of this tour make sure it runs smoothly. let's go up to the conference room.

P | who's not here yet.

Trent (T) | Kevin and Josh.

y/n | we saw josh at the airport he should be right behind us.

right then the fans scream and josh walk in the front doors.

J | wassup guys!

he walks over to you guys and trent leads you up to a door.

T | they are all in here so come on in.

trent walks in and the room goes silent.

T | here comes josh richards, payton moormeier, and y/n.

the room starts whooping and hollering as you walk in. payton goes and says hi to everyone but when you walk in you see chase and you gasp.

you finally get to meet chase!!

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