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you see girl's pointing and whispering. you keep talking to nial and your mom. the waitress comes and seats you across from the girls. that's when they speak up.

girl 1 | are you y/n from tik tok?

y/n | i am!

girl 2 | can we get a photo?

y/n | sure!

you stand up and and take a selfie with the two girls and a few more photos.

girl 1 & 2 | thank you so much!

y/n | you're so welcome.

you sit back down at your table.

Ni | you are so sweet.

y/n | i always think i'm so awkward but i think tour helped a lot with that.

Ni | it sure did.

you order your food and have a nice dinner with your family. your mom and nial make friends with the people sitting next to you and they talk the whole time. you talk to the girls a little more. one of them is named Lexi and the other one is named Claire. you are still waiting on your food.

y/n | hey mom.

mom | yes sweetheart.

y/n | can i walk around outside a bit with the girls.

mom | of course! i'll text you when food gets here.

you turn to the girls.

y/n | you want to go on a walk?

Claire | yes!

you walk them outside.

y/n | what did you guys do this summer?

Lexi | i went to go see you guys on tour.

y/n | did you!

Lexi | it was actually in New York when all the drama was going on.

y/n | oh.. yeah.

Claire | you were her most excited to see.

y/n | awe i'm sorry i wasn't there.

Lexi | it's okay. i'm glad it all blew over.

your phone rings in your pocket. you pick it up. it's nick.

y/n | you guys want to say hi to nick?

girls | YES!

you sit down at a nearby park bench and answer the phone. he's sitting in a waiting room. you'd expect for a meeting.

y/n | hey nick. i'm here talking to a few fans if you want to say hi.

N | oh hey guys!

Lexi | hey nick!!

Claire | hey!!

N | hey! how are you guys?

Lexi | i'm good.

Claire | me too!

nick talks to the girls for a bit.

y/n | okay did you need something?

N | yeah i'll call you, hold on.

y/n | okay.

he hangs up and calls you. (so the girls couldn't hear everything).

N | hey.

y/n | hey *laughs*

N | i was just calling to tell you i'm going into a meeting to be taken into a management company.

y/n | really?! congratulations nick!

N | thank you.

y/n | i'm so happy for you bub.

N | i'm so excited! i could literally quit my job and take social media seriously.

y/n | no doubt you'll make it. they'd be stupid to pass you up.

N | i hope so. well i'll let you go. talk to you about it later baby, goodbye.

y/n | i love you. goodbye.

N | i love you too.

you hang up and keep walking with the girls. your mom calls you back so you start walks back. you make a tik tok with the girls and add them back on snap. you sit back down at the table and your mom hands you a plate of sushi. which was your order. you look at it, then back up at nial, then at the girls, then back to the food. you pick one up with chopsticks and dip it in the soy sauce. you go to eat it then your hands feel weak. the sushi drops from your chopsticks and hit your plate. nial and your mom look over at you.

mom | are you okay?

you couldn't tell your mom you haven't been eating. it would hurt her and she means the world to you. you couldn't cry. you didn't want to look weak in front of you fans.

y/n | just excuse me for a minute.

mom | okay?

you walk over to the bathrooms and lock yourself in a stall. tears start rolling down you face. you want to scream. but you can't. the bathroom door opens. you look through the crack and it's your mom. you cover your mouth. your tears run down your face stopping at your hand. she knocks at your stall. you don't say anything.

mom | y/n? are you in there?

congrats nick! now come see me.

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