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J | personally, yes i think you should. you should have seen how torn up payton was when he left tour. he could barely pull words together.

y/n | really ?

J | yeah.

y/n | i'll call him tonight.

J | you are also calling nick tonight.

y/n | shit you're right.

you look up and see a crowd of people. they're surrounding chase payton and jack.

J | YO YO YO GUYS GIVE THEM SOME SPACE. it's all good. you can all meet them.

you and payton make eye contact. you smile he returns the favor.

C | thanks guys.

people start crowding you to. you got photos and when most everyone is done you go over to payton.

y/n | you want to grab lunch?

P | of course. yeah.

y/n | when?

P | are you headed anywhere now?

y/n | nope.

P | neither am i. you want to go grab something?

y/n | yeah.

P | boys. i'm going to grab something to eat with y/n. i'll catch up to you.

Ja | alright brother.

C | yeah. see you man.

y/n | i'll call you after i eat.

J | alright. see you.

y/n | bye jay jay.

you walk on silence for a second.

P | i see you met avani.

y/n | yeah. avani is so sweet. i think we are going to have a lasting friendship.

P | i wouldn't get your hopes up.

y/n | why not.

P | she used me for clout then found anthony.

y/n | you also lied to her payton. did the cross your head.

P | i mean-

y/n | nevermind. different subject.

P | yeah.

you talk just about what you've been up to. you order food and get noticed. you take pictures with some people. you hear your names called and you look back.

y/n | oh hey kio!

you stand up and give kio a hug.

Kio | how are you!

y/n | i'm doing well. you?

Kio | pretty good. i made friends with a group of guys but they went into a tournament.

y/n | awe. well you can get some lunch.

Kio | i have a sandwich back in my car.

y/n | here, go up there and ask for anything you want and tell them to put in on room 276. if they ask anything come get me.

Kio | no y/n it's okay you don't have to.

y/n | no i want to.

Kio | really it's okay. you've done plenty for me.

y/n | i don't want you to have to walk all the way to your car.

Kio | it's not far. a mile maybe.

y/n | no way. go order food.

Kio | it's okay i need my workout for the day anyways.

y/n | go order food.

Kio | no.

y/n | literally go. you are not walking to your car.

Kio | are you sure.

y/n | 100%

Kio | thank you.

y/n | no problem. come sit with us after.

Kio | okay.

kio walks over to the food courts. you sit back down with payton.

y/n | i'm sorry. what were you saying?

P | who was that?

y/n | his name's Kio. he went to my panel today. he talked about how he could barely afford to be here and stuff and something inside me told me that i couldn't just brush it aside. there's something special about him.

just then you hear yelling. you look up and it's the cashier yelling at kio. you get up and walk over there.

y/n | what's going on?

cashier | this kid is trying to use a creator's room number to buy his food.

y/n | i'm sorry for the misunderstanding. it was my room.

you showed him your pass.

y/n | i told him to come up here and get something to eat.

cashier | okay.

y/n | thank you. i'm so sorry.

cashier | it's all good. i was just making sure no one was taking money from you.

y/n | thank you.

kio turns to you.

Kio | thank you, seriously.

y/n | of course.

you walk kio back to your table and introduce him to  payton.

Kio | a pleasure to meet you.

P | great to meet you too.

you have lunch and kio and payton actually get along really well. payton has somewhere to go so you say goodbye to kio. you walk with payton to the place he has to be. you go backstage and see jackson and sam and chase. you say hey to all of them. after 10 minutes or so you had to go. you give him a hug.

P | i'll text you later.

y/n | okay.

you say goodbye and head back out on your own.

are you glad you forgave payton!

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