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there is a man at the entrance and he let's you in. you get really nervous, your heart is probably going 100 miles an hour. then you see everyone. when you see jaden you sprint over to him and jump up for a hug. he hugs you back tight not even knowing how shitty your day has been. you try no to cry.

Ja | hey y/n?

y/n | hi jaden.

he let's you go.

Ja | are you okay?

you make eye contact with him. he can tell how hurt you are.

Ja | y/n?

y/n | payton.

Ja | what? what did he do?

you whisper what happened in his ear. he hugs you and tells you he'll talk to you after. you stick with nick and he'll talk tonight for as long as you need. you walk back over to chase and nick.

y/n | sorry i had to see jaden. he has been there for me through what all happened a few weeks back.

N | its okay.

payton walks out of the bathroom.

P | what's up- nick? hey? i didn't expect you to be here...

N | hey.

P | can i.. have a word with you?

N | no.

P | what?

N | say what you were going to say. i don't care.

P | well i do.

N | can y/n come.

P | never mind.

N | okay.

you take photos together by the sign. taking cute ones with nick and jaden. you can tell payton is a little bothered by the stupid look he has on his face. he comes up to you while you're watching everyone else take photos.

P | can i talk to you please?

y/n | why?

P | just come with me. please.

he takes you away from the group. nick watches you walk away you give him a thumbs up and a reassuring smile.

P | what happened while i was gone? we were doing great last night? now, all of a sudden your all up on nick?! you met him 2 days ago.

y/n | okay? i like nick. he cares about me.

P | i care about you?

y/n | really?

P | yes for course i do? why would you question that?

y/n | okay. so you haven't kissed anyone since San Jose?

P | no?! who would i have to kiss? y/n i love you! i never stopped loving you-

you start to tear up.

y/n | that's the only answer i needed.

you say as your voice breaks. you turn around and start walking back to your friends.

P | what?! so once i tell you i love you you're going to walk away?

he lied. straight to your face and told you he loved you. maybe you deserve it. you did the same thing. but you didn't lie about it.

y/n | no payton. you lied to me.

P | about what?!

N | kissing avani. we saw you, dude. we were there.

Come With MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora