Portland, OR + Seattle, WA

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you wake up before everyone else. you sit on your phone until jaeden gets up. but it's not long until-


everyone groans as trent opens the blinds and the sun shines in your eyes. you all get up to change. you change into this.

you throw on this and start setting up downstairs

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you throw on this and start setting up downstairs. you stand by jaeden and sam. trent split up you chase and payton. they let in early access. a girl comes in and gives sam a hug. she looks at you then moves on to jaeden.

Ja | hey are you going to give y/n a hug.

girl | not after what she did to payton.

Ja | oh sweetheart. you don't know the story. you do whatever but be kind.

you held back your tears. jaeden gave you a hug and you pulled yourself together. you got through the show and dinner before heading home. you become really good friends with Jaeden Chase and Josh. you were all really close. you never talked about the incident from that night ever again. fans bring it up all day in Portland. you got on the bus and headed to your next stop. Seattle. you sat in the front with Jaeden chase and josh. you told them about your seattle plans. soon enough you all fell asleep and woke up to trent parking at your final hotel. you bring your bags up to your room. you seattle in as a group and help set up the back drops. you make tik toks then fall asleep next to jaeden. the next morning you getting ready. put on this then head downstairs

 put on this then head downstairs

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Ja | you look great.

y/n | thank you jay jay.

Ja | anytime.

you get through the meet and greet. you have multiple people ship you and jaeden. but he's your best friend. you still vibe with payton but he is just a distant friend. but when the show comes. you and payton both get really emotional.

T | okay! thank you Seattle! you guys were amazing a great way to end off this tour. anything you all want to say.

he hands the mic to chase keith. he says something and they go down the line. next is payton.

P | it was a crazy experience. it was sad at times. at other times i felt on top of the world. but i made new friends and i got to meet all of you so thank you guys for making this possible.

the fans go crazy. next up... Chase.

C | honestly it was great. very stressful but you all made it worth it. i made bonds with people i hadn't known 6 months ago but i'm glad i know now. so thank you guys.

the fans cheer again. now it's jaeden's turn.

Ja | i got to meet back up with my boys. honestly it was an experience i'll never forget. it was crazy. i got to meet this wonderful girl. she is my best friend and it going to stay that way for many years to come. so thank you guys for coming and supporting me.

the crowd cheers louder. last up is you.

T | and a new face to the internet but certainly not one to forget. y/n.

y/n | this experience has taught me a lot. i didn't know any of these people coming into this but now they are my family. it has been really hard. but i have made some strong bonds. you guys have helped so much. thank you for supporting me and helping me grow into the person i am today.

you voice breaks and a tear rolls down your face. you quickly wipe it off. the fans go insane.

crazy. i don't want to break up this book into multiple. so i decided that instead i was going to make this longer than all my others which are usually 20-30 chapters. so there is much more to come

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