Phoenix, AZ

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you all get in your places. Chase stands at the front. then sam then jackson then payton and you.


all | YEAH!


all | YEAHH

he opens the door the the early admission fans.


they go crazy.

man | then come on in!!

fans flood through the door everyone waves and runs through the lines. then the first fan comes through to meet Chase.

C | heyy how are you.

fan | omg i love you.

C | i love you too.

you got really nervous. payton whispers in your ear.

P | you got this. just be you.

the girl finally gets to you. she runs up for a hug.

y/n | helloo

fan | omg i ship you two so much. can i get a photo with both of you.

y/n | of course that would be great.

you pose and take 4 group photos. more and more fans come through you make countless tik toks. people of all ages and backgrounds. they are all stoked to see you. they bring you food and gifts it was so sweet. after you had about and hour with early admission they let in normal pass holders. the lines were super long. fans screamed at you while you met hundreds of them. after the line runs through they let you setup for the show. they hand you all mics. you all messed around until it was time and you say behind the stage and waited for cue. they let everyone back in. they were pretty quiet then trent walked on stage.

T | thank you all for coming. for the last part of the main meet and greet is the show so here are your influencers!

you all walk on stage the go crazy they can ask question and you just go up there and have fun. Chase speaks up first.

C | alright, alright, alright. settle down, settle down. i have one question-

P | who's a good dog?

everyone laughs.

C | bro that was my moment.

y/n | okay boys stop fighting anyone got a question.

everyone starts screaming and hands are raised.

A | you back there in the yellow.

trent hands her a mic.

fan | hey my name is Jocelyn. first off i love all of you so much-

A | thank you.

fan | but the question i had was for payton and y/n, what is going on between you two.

all | ooooo

Jo | yeah y/n, what's up with you guys.

P | nothing.

A | ahh tell us brothaa

y/n | he's my best friend.


all | hell yeah.

you all mess around for awhile and trent comes back on.

T | alrighty everyone hate to do this to y'all but our time here is up. can i get you influencers to turn around so we can get the phoenix group photo.

you all turn around and sit by the fans. they try to grab your hands and take quick photos. payton grabs your hand and holds it up in the air.

T | 3, 2, 1

you hold your hands up and the room goes crazy. trent shows you all the photo and you walk off stage they lead the people out and now you go to dinner. Trent gives you time to get your stuff from your rooms. when you get upstairs you all high five and celebrate for a good first show. you take your stuff to the tour bus. you and payt sit in the back with josh and jackson. when you get there you go inside and have dinner with a few fans. you get out and onto the bus the fans wave at the bus as your drive away.

your first meet and greet wow. that was an adventure 🥺

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