Vidcon Day 2.

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Ja | well i need to get to know her.

y/n | i'll make it happen! you should hang with us tomorrow.

Ja | tomorrow's my busiest day. i have time to get breakfast then small time slots between all my activities and meet and greets.

y/n | awe so does that mean you can't walk with me tomorrow?

Ja | i can in the morning and we can get lunch.

y/n | i'm kidding but yeah that works.

you head off to sleep. you wake up nice and early. the boys fight over the shower as you do your hair and makeup.

 the boys fight over the shower as you do your hair and makeup

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you put on this. there's a knock at the door.

y/n | i got it!

you run over to the door. you open it to see nick and a girl you'd never seen. she had her hair up in space buns and was wearing checkered pants and a crazy t-shirt. she pulled it off well.

N | oh hey y/n ! what's up. this is avani!

Avani (Av) | hey! i came to see if mads had stopped by.

y/n | hey! and no i haven't seen her today. i can ask chase. CHASE! have you heard from Mads?

C | she said she was eating breakfast with us in a few that's all i've heard.

you look at her and shrug.

Av | you mind if i tag along?

y/n | sure! nick you can come too !

N | i'm down!

y/n | you can come sit down inside we are all getting ready.

nick and avani come sit down you all go down to breakfast. before you get to the table nick stops you. everyone else keeps walking.

N | can i talk to you before breakfast?

y/n | sure. about what?

N | i know we just met a few days back but i really like you. i just thought you might want to know. i felt like i should tell you before vidcon is over incase we don't see each other again.

y/n | thank you for telling me nick. i think your really cool too! but i have something going on with payton right now.

N | payton?

y/n | yeah him.

you point to the table where payton sits. payton sees you and walks over. he hugs you from behind and kisses your cheek.

y/n | i'll meet you at the table payton. i'm talking to nick for a second.

P | oh, sorry.

y/n | no it's fine!

N | that's okay. i just thought you should know.

y/n | we can be really great friends though.

N | that works for me. thank you y/n i really needed to get that off my chest.

y/n | anytime.

you give him a hug then you walk back to the table and have breakfast with the squad.

P | well i got to go.

he hugs you over the shoulders and kisses the top of your head.

P | i have an interview Q & A type thing on Stage 2.

Av | well i'm going that way too i have a Q & A with Madi and Amelie.

y/n | okay see you guys.

P | snapchat headquarters at 2?

you all agree, parting ways. you walk around with Nick today since jaden is busy. you do a meet and greet in the yard. after, nicks phone rings and he picks up.

N | hello? ....oh, really?.... when?... okay i'll be there... thanks, bye.

y/n | where are you going?

N | Stage 2, a panel with Alex, Kover and Chase.

y/n | i'll walk you.

N | then you'll be leaving on your own.

y/n | i'll be fine.

you guys head over to stage 2 and walk in the back doors. you're greeted by the staff backstage.

N | i'm nick austin

y/n | y/n

guy | come on in.

you sit down at the table and out of the corner of your eye you see two kids making out. you don't think much of it but for some reason you take a second look and you couldn't believe who it was. Payton and Avani. your eyes jolt over to nick, he's looking too. nick looks over at you and your heart drops.

N | is that-

y/n | i'll- i can't- shhh

you sit behind the table and pull nick down with you as payton and avani walk by hand in hand. when they walk out the door and you burst into tears. nick immediately wraps his arms around you.

oh. no. PAYTON!

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