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you all get there and get your photos taken as you walk in.

Av | hey babies!!

y/n | hey van van!

you give her a hug and go your lights out handshake with anthony.

Av | what even is that handshake.

A | it's a lights out thing.

Av | can i learn it.

P | no way. it's exclusive.

you, payton, jaden and anthony both do the handshake to one another.

M | i see how it is. me and avani will make our own.

J | go for it.

you decide to take photos. you get this one with payton and jaden.

(but by a twitter backdrop) you get this one with avani and mads

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(but by a twitter backdrop) you get this one with avani and mads. you post them on instagram.

 you post them on instagram

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(the caption: iykyk)

you were at snapchat for like 2 hours and i don't think you have laughed so hard in your life. it brought you so close everyone. you hug anthony goodbye. avani and mads have to go to a meet and greet. you also have to say goodbye to payton for a little bit. so you and jaden head out to the yard. you meet hundreds of fans. The crowds actually get pretty chill. you make tik toks but you can just walk around without there being a huge crowd.

J | the glory of day 3

y/n | it's so chill.

J | definitely my favorite day.

guy | hey!

you turn around. there's a guy about your age. very tall.

y/n | hey.

guy | hey i think you're really cute.

y/n | thank you so much.

guy | can we get a photo

y/n | of course.

you take a photo with him.

guy | is this your boyfriend?

y/n | no. this is jaden. he's my best friend.

guy | oh, i see.

they guy grabs your face to kiss you. you back up and throw your head out of the way.

guy | what?

y/n | what are you doing?

guy | do you not want to kiss me?

y/n | i have a boyfriend.

guy | you said he wasn't your boyfriend.

y/n | he's not. but i have one.

he rolls his eyes.

guy | what's your tik tok?

y/n | umm.

J | we've got to go.

jaden puts his hand over your shoulder and you start to walk away.

guy | no one has forgotten all the shit you've done, you whore.

you start breathing really fast. your apple watch tells you to take a deep breath be your heart beat was at 145.

guy | awe the little *baby voice* wights out towr babies are scared. you pussies.

you feel jaden's hand leave your shoulder. you turn around and see him punch the kid in the face. no mercy. the kid falls to the floor. it caught almost everyone's attention.

y/n | jaden!

guy | ohh you bitch.

the kid gets back up and swings at jaden and he swirves it.

J | that's enough.

the guy scoff.

y/n | jaden.

he turns around and starts walking back toward you. you see the guy run toward jaden again.

y/n | LOOK OUT!

right as he goes to turn around the kid picks up jaden and throws him the ground. he starts kicking him.

y/n | stop! please stop!! stop! jaden!!

security comes over and takes the guy away in cuffs. you run over and kneel down by jaden. you sit on the grouch and lean him up against you while the EMT's and crew member come to help him. you play with his hair while he talks to them.

crew | do you want us to take you back to your room. we can cancel your events.

EMT | breath in for me. hold it.

people are recording but you barely notice. they help him up. all the fans start clapping. they get him into a wheelchair to help him to the medical room. quicker and more painlessly. you sit in there with him for hours. he just has a bruised bone and a bad headache. he has a few cuts and bruises but he's okay. they take him back to your room. you sit in there with him.

y/n | you know you didn't have to do that.

J | no ones going to talk to you like that.

y/n | it's fine. i've heard it all. i'm used to it.

J | no. i don't care.

you run your fingers through his hair. he smiles at you.

J | oh, can you call mads. i thinks he just got out of her panel.

y/n | yeah. uhh

you look around for your phone.

y/n | jaden do you have my phone?

J | uh, no.

you frantically look around for it.

y/n | i'll just call it.

you pick up the hotel phone and call. there is no answer.

J | did anyone pick up?

y/n | no. i'm going to call the EMT's maybe i left it there.

you ring them.

y/n | hey! it's y/n. i was down there about 30 minutes ago with jaden hossler and now i can't find my phone. did i leave it down there?... mhm... no... not long... no?... okay, thank you so much... it's okay... bye.

J | nothing?

y/n | no.

J | weird.

y/n | i had it to add some fans back on tik tok.

J | do you think-

y/n | oh no.

you both had the same thought.

oooo dang

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