get better already.

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S | where are you from?

y/n | Charlotte, North Carolina.

S | really? i'm just from Oakland.

y/n | that's cool.

S | why are you all the way out here?

y/n | visiting friends.

sabrina invites you to come sit over on her bed. you talk for hours about your struggles with your eating disorder. how your life was at home. friends. life at Glenly. you weren't as scared or angry anymore. you're glad you have someone to talk to. someone who understands you. it is the first time you have every admitted to yourself that you did have a problem. you were anorexic. you and Sabrina head to bed since it was late. you wake up the next morning and Sabrina isn't awake yet. you cover your face with your hands and go take a shower. it was really weird. the bathroom was very empty. you showered and dried off. you grab a sweatshirt from your bag. when you put it on you notice that the strings are gone. you ruffle through your bag for it. then you see nick's hoodie. it doesn't have strings either.

y/n | seriously.

you go back into your room and sabrina is drawing.

y/n | hey sab.

S | oh hey.

y/n | what are you drawing?

S | my sister. i haven't been able to see her recently. she's away at college. she is the most beautiful perfect person ever. long, wavy blonde hair. skinny waist. perfect body. i always wanted to look like her.

you walk over and look at sabrina's drawing.

y/n | she looks it.

S | she was. i hope i get to see her on thursday!

y/n | i hope so too!

you braid your hair and then sabrinas. then it comes time for your first lunch. you sit down at the table and everyone had different stuff on their plate. you scratch your head. a nurse gives you a bowl of soup. you look at it. sabrina was eating a fruit salad. she was talking and laughing with the other kids. you looked around the table. people from all different background were all hear for one reason. they were sick. just like you. sabrina looks over at you and smiles. she is beautiful. perfect white teeth and blonde hair. green eyes.

S | you should take a bite. for me.

you nervously laugh.

y/n | i don't like eating in front of people.

S | no one's judging you. we are all struggling. we are all here to help each other.

y/n | i-

you look down at you food. a boy about your age with straight brown hair and blue eyes speaks up.

boy | well if there is anything else you would want to eat the nurses can make it for you.

y/n | i don't really like soup, so.

a nurse comes over and takes the soup you tell her you aren't hungry. she brings you a granola bar. you look at it and just start crying. sabrina walks around the table and gives you a hug.

S | it's okay. we are all here to help you. i understand how hard it is. it won't come easily.

the nurses take you to talk to daniel. you sit at a chair on the other side of his desk.

DH | so what happened back there?

y/n | i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-

DH | no it's okay. i want to know what was going on in your head.

y/n | it was nothing.

DH | it had to be something. tell me how you're feeling.

y/n | i'm feeling fine.

DH | i don't think that's true.

y/n | if i tell you what's wrong can i get a phone call.

DH | well i'm not supposed to let you call anyone because we can't monitor it.

y/n | please Daniel. you can't keep me in a house of phycos and put a plate of food in front of me and expect my anorexia to just exit my body. that's not how it works. you can't just tell me to eat. if it was that easy i wouldn't be here. i don't need to be here.

DH | you have to give this place a chance. i think all of these people could really help you if you give them a chance.

you don't say anything.

DH | here. how about i'll give you a week and if i see you making any sort of progress's in that well. that includes making friends. gaining weight. eating. being open in circles and anything else i'll let you set up a time to meet with one person.

you glare up at him,

y/n | fine.

he holds out his hand and you shake it.

thoughts on Glenly so far?

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