Part 7✨

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Chani's POV:

Zuho calls us all into the living room to sort out what movies we're going to watch. I sit on the far left couch and grab Y/n's attention by patting the spot next to me. She smiles at me and takes the seat. Jaeyoon, Inseong and Dee sit on the far right couch and Rowoon, Dawon, Hwiyoung and Piper sit on the middle one, leaving the rest of the Sf9 members to lay on the floor.

Youngbin sits on the floor in front of everyone with three movies in front of him. Two horror films and one romance. We all decide to watch one of the horror films first, causing both Rowoon and Y/n to whine. It makes me smirk slightly knowing that Y/n gets scared easily especially when it comes to horror films.
"Don't worry I'll protect you Y/n" I teasingly say which causes her to glare at me.
"Horror films don't even scare me" she proudly states as she puffs out her chest causing me to laugh.

It's only a couple of minutes into the movie and Y/n is already clinging onto my arm as if her life depended on it.
"I thought horror films don't scare you" I whisper in her ear.
"I'm not s-scared" she whispers back. After she says this, a jump scare appears on the screen causing her to hide her face in my chest. Both of her small hands tightly cling onto the fabric of my shirt as she screws her eyes shut, not wanting to look at the screen. Every time there was a jump scare, she would do the same thing and cling onto me even more.

Once the movie had finished she carefully opened her eyes and removed her hands from my shirt. She sat up slightly and looked down at me, she continued to stare at my shirt until she started to go a light shade of pink. It was only then that I had realised that my shirt had come up a little because she had been pulling on it so much, slightly revealing my abs. I laughed at her reaction and pulled my shirt back down. She quickly looked away and apologised for crinkling my shirt by holding onto it so tightly.

After a short break, Youngbin decided to put on the next movie, which was also horror. Y/n pouted and began flailing her arms around like a child.
"Why do we have to watch another horror filmmmm" she whines. Rowoon immediately agrees with her as he also gets scared very easily.
"You don't have to watch it, you can just close your eyes again" I softly say in an attempt to make her feel better, which seemed to work seeing as she nodded and held onto my arm again. Around twenty minutes into the second film, I started to feel bad for Y/n as she was jumping at every loud noise that came from the film, even when she wasn't looking at the screen. I decided to bring my right hand up to her head and I started to slowly play with her hair. After a couple of seconds she relaxed and eventually stopped jumping when something would happen in the film. Her grip on my shirt loosened as her hand lightly rested against my chest.

After a while of playing with her hair I took my hand away, thinking that she was okay now. As I lifted my hand away, she caught ahold of my wrist and placed my hand back on the top of her head. When I kept my hand still she groaned in annoyance,
"Keep doing it" she mumbled. I smiled to myself before going back to playing with her hair. She sighed in content and moved her left hand from my chest to around my waist so she was now in a position where she was hugging me. I couldn't help but look down at her and admire her features, her long hair that felt soft between my fingers, her long eyelashes that lay gently against her cheek, her small dimples that were barely visible and the small amount of freckles that scattered her face.

I didn't realise how long I had been staring until Dawon cleared his throat, catching my attention. When I look up I realise that the lights were back on and that the movie had finished. Everyone else was either making small conversation, stretching or snacking on food that lay on the table in front of us. I gently nudge Y/n to wake her up but she only hugs me tighter, causing me to blush slightly at her actions. I shake her shoulder softly until she wakes up, when she does she squints her eyes until they adjust to the light and then she stretches her arms.

"Why'd you wake me upppp" she pouts as she looks at me with a sad face, causing me to feel a little guilty for disturbing her sleep.
"I'm sorry I just thought you would have wanted to eat something before we start the next movie..." I confessed. She rubs her eyes as she yawns.
"Yeah I am pretty hungry..." she nods. She stands up and walks over to the table where she makes small conversation with Youngbin and Taeyang.

When the lights are turned back off and the next movie starts she quickly makes her way back to the couch. Even though this film isn't a horror one, she stills decides to rest her head on my chest. When she places her arm back around my torso I smile softly. Not long into the movie and she's already fallen asleep again.  After a while I start to feel tired myself so I slowly close my eyes and rest my head on top of hers.

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