°Popcorn part 2°

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'Mom! Really?!' Kaycee deadpanned, dragging a hand down her face as she paced around the living room for the nth time that day.

'Honey, it's a get-together. Of course, I invited him, he's like family' Laura replied softly. 'If Bailey, Jason, Josh and Julian are coming then I don't see why Sean can't'.

Kaycee flailed her rams around, stomping her feet on the floor as she complained some more to her mother. 'Mom, please'

'I already invited him. It'd be rude to uninvite him' Laura spoke nonchalantly. 'Besides, you guys need to catch up again. I heard he's been touring in China'.

'I know-' Kaycee started, before slapping a hand over her mouth. Laura raised a brow, stopping her knitting as she pulled her glasses down.

'Oh, you know, huh? How is that?'

I totally wasn't stalking him, Kaycee thought to herself. 'Um-I told you, we bumped into each other at the store like a week ago, he told me' she lied, using the same excuse once again. 

Kaycee had been staying over at her parents house for a week or so for now, since her house was getting a little renovation. Staying over at her parents was amazing but it also meant, talking a lot about Sean, and every once in awhile some new facts about him would slip out of her mouth and she'd cover it up by using the same excuse 'I bumped into him at the store and he told me'. 

'Okay, then whatever. At least you guys can catchup, seeing as he'll be staying here' Laura hummed, continuing her knit work.

'Staying here?! Are you serious?! Here? As in our home? You must be lying' Kaycee screeched, slumping down on the couch as she felt her world crumble at her feet. 

'Mhm, Miya and Cheul are still in China as you told me' Laura smirked. 'And Sean's moving back to LA, he's already found a house but he needs a little bit of work to be done there before he can permanently move in, so I offered him to stay here until he can move out in a weeks time'. It was bad enough to have to witness his cute face today, but for a whole week? Now that was over the boundary lines.

'Mom, he's not your son! I'm your daughter, Why are you doing this to me?' She whined, sitting on the floor with her head leaning on the wall.

'I'm very fond of Sean, honey, you know that. He's a sweet kid, stop being over dramatic' Laura giggled, her laugh resonating Kaycee's giggles.

'How am I not meant to over react. You're trying to tell me that i have to live in the same house as my ex-best friend for a whole week? Mom' she complained. 'Please tell me you're joking. I shouldn't have gotten the renovation on my house this week... what's Jason gonna think?'

'Oh, quit whining, Kaycee. It's only a week, you'll survive. Besides, personally I'm excited to be  able to get my hands on a Sean lew meal again'.

At the mention of 'Sean Lew meal', Kaycee's ear perked upwards and she was suddenly dreaming about the delectable food he used to make specially for her.

'Fine, he can stay for a week' Kaycee grumbled, marching upstairs to her old bedroom.

'It was never your decision, honey' Laura laughed, as she pushed her glasses up onto the ball of her nose and proceeded to knit.


'Babe, some of your friends are here' Jason opened her bedroom door, a smile on his face as Kaycee came rushing out.

'Thanks Jason' she whispered, before sprinting downstairs and jumping onto her friends back. It had been months since she had gotten to properly talk and chat with them.

Sean & Kaycee: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now