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Are you sure about this vision you had?" Aaron asked.  "Yeah maybe what if I did get this girl pregnant and she's carrying my child" Zak remarked.  "Do you even know her name?" Aaron inquired.  "Leann something god I'm such an idiot why didn't I use protection?".  "Because you were drunk Zak".  "I just wish I knew where she lives" Zak said.  "Come on" and they left.

Back in my hometown I decided to keep my child but I wasn't sure how my family would react to the fact I was going to have a child out of wedlock and to a man who I had a one stand with.  A knock came to the door so I got up and opened it to see my mother and grandmother.  "Grammie mom what are you doing here?" giving them hugs.  "We were in the neighborhood and thought we invite you to lunch". 

"I'd love to" I stated.  "Excuse me" and my mother went to the bathroom. "Why don't you sit down grammie" and we sat down.  "So sweetie when's my great grandchild be here" as I chuckled.  My grandmother had what you call a sixth sense when it came to pregnancy she knew my mother was pregnant with my little sister before my parents did. 

"I don't know yet my appointment's tomorrow gram" I replied. "So what does the father think?". I look around before I said this.  "I don't know Grammie I had a one night stand with a man" I replied.  "What's his name?".  "Believe or not grammie he's a paranormal investigator on a show called Ghost Adventures"I remarked.  "So is it Aaron, Zak or Nick?"she asked. 

My jaw fell on the floor.  "You watch Ghost Adventures" I stated with a chuckle.  "My girlfriend turned me onto it her grandson is one of them.  I really miss Grace"she replied.  "Zak's the father I just wish I could tell him".  "Tell him what?"my mother asked.  "Nothing dear come on" and we left.  Back in Ireland Zak couldn't get comfortable in his bed so he put a blanket on the floor. 

He was about to fall asleep when his phone rang.  He knew the number but was confused so he answered it.  "Hello".  "So this is the voice of the man who got my granddaughter pregnant"the voice remarked.  "Excuse me" Zak said confused.  "My name is Iris Zak I knew your grandmother and she gave me your number just in case I thought you should know you're going to be a father".  "I thought so look I want to talk to your granddaughter before she makes up her mind about the child"Zak stated. 

"All right you got a pen and paper".  Zak grabbed his computer and started to type on it.  "Thanks Iris I appreciate it".  "Thank your grandmother Zak we'll talk later" and hung up.  "Thanks grandmom"Zak muttered looking at the sky.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now