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A couple of weeks passed and Zak had finished his last investigation for the season early.  When he got into the airport Zak got some flowers.  "Nice flowers dude" Aaron said.  "Well they're for both of my girls Leann doesn't know we're home early I'm surprising them"Zak replied with a smile.  "Well if you need a baby sitter you got three guys" Jay remarked as Zak left.  At the house I was cleaning up as Iris was outside with my mother.  The phone rang and I got it.  "Hello". 

"Leann it's Corey I work at The Haunted Museum Zak forgot to give me the payroll before he left do you think you can drop it off".  "Sure," and hung up.  Behind him was Zak.  "Mom I have to run to the haunted museum mind watching Iris"I asked.  "Not at all" and I left.  At the museum Zak was changing his clothes as Corey  knocked on the door.  "Zak she's pulling up"Corey said.  Zak came out and took a breath. 

"Leann is going to be shock when she sees you".  "Thanks" as Zak grabbed the flowers.  I knocked on the door and the door opened.  "Hello" I called out.  Zak got into position as I came around the corner.  I nearly fell to the floor as I saw Zak there smiling with flowers in his hand.  I walked over and hugged him than took the flowers.  "Surprise" he remarked.  "I thought you weren't suppose to be back untill next week" I stated smelling the flowers.  

"We ended early so I thought I'd surprise you"he replied.  I put down the flowers and put my arms around his neck.  "I've missed you so much Zak".  "I miss you too so I was thinking since we have a baby sitter I can finish that tour of the museum and I have my migraine medication just incase" he suggested. 

"All right".  I couldn't believe all of the stuff Zak had some that gave me chills and some amazed me.  "I have to say this is amazing" I stated.  "But there's something I always wanted to try".  "And what is that Mr. Bagans".  He whispered something in my ear.  "Why not it may stir up some spirit in Jack Kevorkian room"I replied as Zak eye brows arched.  "Let's go" and we ran to the room.  Before we knew it Iris was turning two at her party Zak invited everyone over. 

"Come on my mother is ready to lose her mind" Zak remarked combing his hair. I came out of the bathroom.  "Zak"I stated.  He turned to me and saw my face.  "What is it?".  "Iris is getting a great gift today"I replied.  "What do you mean?"Zak asked a little nervous.  "She's going to be a big sister" I stated.  "You're pregnant".  "Yes" as I showed Zak the test.  "If this kid's a boy we may have to name him Jack"Zak replied. 

"I think we made have a fifty fifty chance on that"I replied with a giggle.  "Fifty fifty you mean twins".  I showed him the ultra sound.  "See two heart beats,"  Zak sat down as I kneeled in front of him.  "Aren't you happy?".  "I am I'm just in shock and I may have to have EMTS on stand-by when we tell our mothers about this" Zak replied with a smile.  "Just be thankful you're not my cousin she had quads naturally"I said.  "If that happen I'm getting fixed" as I snickered.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن