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We were all in shock after what Zak said.  We didn't know what to think of the lead investigator of Ghost Adventures leaving the show that he's been with since the beginning.  I walked over to Zak as he was looking outside at the airport.  "I think you're making a foolish mistake Zakary"I remarked.  "Why you don't know what I've been through maybe this a sign to leave Ghost Adventure and be a true father to Iris" he remarked. 

"Zak I know you're trying to keep me and Iris safe from those entities, Demons, and ghost but it's not your fault they come".  "What do you mean?".  "You know how I said that my church made me feel like I was in a cult I found out my great grand mother grew up in a cult and my father was apart of Helter Skelter.  Maybe that's why you wanted to lose your temper with my father. For all I know I have an attachment that scratched our child" I admitted.

"I think when we get back I think we need to do a family cleanse" as Zak chuckled.  "Does that mean you're not leaving Ghost Adventure" as Zak took my hand.  Zak smiled as we went back to the guys.  When we came back Billy and Iris weren't around.  "Someone got fussy so Billy's walking around with Iris" Jay stated.  "Zak I think you're making-", but Zak stopped Aaron.  "Look after thinking and little soul searching I take back what I said I'm staying" Zak said with a smile.  "Thank god" Aaron remarked as Billy and Iris came back.  "I hope she wasn't too fussy"I said taking her.  "It brought back memories when my kids were Iris's age" Billy replied. 

"Well good news Zak's staying" Aaron told Billy.  "What made you change your mind".  "Soul searching come on" and we all went back to Las Vegas.  A few days went by and Zak was planning a date for us.  "How's your planning going?" Billy inquired.  "And I thought putting a lockdown together was difficult" as Billy chuckled.  The door opened and Iris and I came in.  "Leann what are doing here?".  "Iris was being fussy so I thought she wanted to see you guys"I replied as Zak came out of his office.

"My sweet little Iris".  Zak picked her up and she pulled Zak's glasses off which made us chuckle.  "You funny little girl can I have those back daddy needs to see you" getting them back.  "I swear Zak Iris has you wrapped around her baby fingers" Aaron remarked.  "So she's daddy's little girl I don't care"Zak replied as he tickled Iris.  "Guys can I talk to Zak alone for a minute?". 

"Sure come on let's show Iris some funny daddy videos".  "Don't show The Stanley Hotel one I don't want her to have nightmares" Zak called out.  "So where are you taking me for our date tonight?" I inquired.  "It's a surprise you'll love this my mother and your mother are both working at my museum now.  Your mother's a tour guide and she loves it"Zak remarked.  "Are you sure this is my mother who has never seen a scary movie in her life"I inquired.

"I think my mother is rubbing off on her".  "Well I should get Iris back before Aaron and the guys start teaching her how to use a spirit box".  "If they do I'll send them on a three night investigation to Goat Man's Bridge" Zak replied as I chuckled .

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon