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At the hospital Zak was holding Iris while I was napping.  A knock came to the door Zak got up and saw his mom.  "Mom what are you doing here?".  "Aaron told me Iris came and I wanted to see my newest grandchild" she replied.  "Let's let Leann sleep" and took her to another room.  They sat down and Zak gave Iris to her.  His mother started tearing up. 

"I thought this wouldn't happen with you Zakary" his mother stated.  "Neither did I" Zak replied.  "She's beautiful sweetie your father would of loved this little angel" as Iris cooed.  "Some times I think dad did bring her and Leann to me"Zak stated.  When I woke up I saw Zak wasn't in the room.  A nurse came in with lunch.  "How you feeling mom".  "Good". 

"Your boyfriend wanted me to tell you he went back to the hotel" and left.  It felt strange to hear that word mom I'm a mom now to a sweet girl.  At the hotel Zak was cleaning himself up. (Zak thinking)-I can't believe I'm a father it just feels strange hearing someone call me that. Seeing that little girl coming into this world I couldn't believe I helped make her with her ten little fingers and ten little toes.  Zak put on his glasses and left.  When Zak came back he saw a sign on the door saying that I was feeding my baby so Zak waited until the door opened and Zak went in.  

"You could of come in Zak"I remarked.  "I thought I'd let you have your privacy Leann I know we never discussed this but I want you to come back with me so we can raise Iris together".  I put Iris in her bassinet.  "I don't know Zak seeing that side of you scared me.  Whatever was attached to you made me really feel like you didn't want Iris" Leann stated.  "Leann I can't promise what happened won't  happen again but you have to trust me that I will keep you and our daughter safe.  If you want to I'll stay somewhere else to decompress when I have to film" holding my hand.

I wasn't sure if I should go back with Zak I had to think about it which Zak understood.  That night I was flipping through the channels when I came upon an episode of Ghost Adventures.  Since I hadn't seen that one I decided to watch it.  The episode was called Goatman's bridge that episode freaked me out watching what was happening to them including Zak who was trying to strangle himself or something. 

After watching that I kind of understood what Zak was going through with that attachment it was like Zak was the puppet and the attachment was the ventriloquist. At the hotel Zak was laying on the bed just looking at the ceiling when a knock came to the door.  He got up and it was his mom at the door.  "Hey mom"he said as she came in.  "You looked worried".  "I am tomorrow Leann and Iris are released from the hospital and I don't know if I'm going home alone or with Leann and Iris" he stated.  "You think she won't come back with you". 

"Yeah I'm so worried my stomach is in knots I want Leann to come back with me but after what happened with that negative attachment and what it did I just feel like I'm never going to see my child again" Zak stated as tears fell down his face.  Zak's mom gave him a hug telling him everything will be all right.  "I hope so mom" he replied wiping the tears from his face. 

The next day Zak hadn't heard from me so he knew my answer as tears fell down his face he packed his bag when a knock came to the door.  He opened up to see me with Iris in a carriage.  "I have a taxi waiting for us to take us to the airport" I stated.  Zak said nothing just hugged me.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now